Tag Archives: WW2

P7 Week beginning the 29th January 2018

This week in P7 we have been busy.

  • In Literacy – we finished off our WW2 evacuee letters home to their parents.
  • In Maths – we found fractions of amounts, we simplified fractions and found equivalent fractions.
  • In Topic – we looked at human rights and how the ‘rights’ of the Jewish people were taken away during the Holocaust.
  • In Art – we created a Star of David badge that the Jews had to wear during WW2 and thought about how they would have felt. We also continued to work on our Anderson air raid shelters. We found an air raid shelter locally to help us create our own designs.
  • In RE – We looked at ‘Serving the greater good’ and how we could help SCIAF help people in Cambodia this year stop illegal fishing as part of the WEE box appeal.


Week beginning the 9th January 2018

Happy New Year!


Welcome back to our P7 blog. We hope you had a great Christmas! This week we have continued with our WW2 topic.


In Literacy -we  investigated how we to use persuasive language.  We put ourselves in Hitler’s place to write a speech  to the German people convincing them to fight! We used super sentence starters and evidence to support our point of view.

In Maths- we  continued to solve algebraic equations.

In Topic – we studied the Home Front…. we looked at The Blitz and Evacuation,

In ICT – we found out how to use Microsoft publisher to create a Government Leaflet on Evacuation.

In Art – we created our own gas masks and started to create evacuees.