Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

March 30, 2020
by User deactivated

Grammar Revision Game

Hi P.4 Writing Groups!

I hope you’re all enjoying doing some home learning? Let’s start off with a fun revision game. Remember the noun or verb game? Let’s expand that out into Adjective, Noun or Verb.  First – look in the files section for the nouns, adjectives and verbs posters to remind yourself what each one is.


Here’s how to play:

Get at least one other person to join in, even try making it a family game.

Take it in turns to say a word, it has to be a common noun, proper noun, adjective or verb.

Common noun = Hands on heads

Proper noun = Jazz hands in air

Adjective = Hands together above your head to make an A shape

Verb = act out the action


Let me know how you get on!

Mrs Black

March 30, 2020
by Mr Blackwood

Immersive Reader

Teams has a great function that allows you to listen to any of the posts in the different channels within the P6 Team.  It will read out the post to you, which can be very useful for some of the longer instruction posts that myself or Mrs McDermott may put up.  I have created some, hopefully, easy to follow instructions on how to use Immersive Reader here:  Instructions for Immersive Reader

March 30, 2020
by Miss Buchanan

Daily Live Events/Activities

Hello everyone!

Here are some Daily Live events/activities that you can tune into at home.
There are a range of different events/activities such as:

  • PE lessons
  • dance workouts
  • news stories
  • online audio books
  • wildlife updates
  • cooking
  • online assemblies
  • craft activities
  • science activities#
  • home learning help.

Will update weekly if I find anymore.Online Learning Activities

Take care and leave a comment if you have any questions.
Miss Buchanan

March 30, 2020
by Mrs Russell

P3 Week 2

Good afternoon everyone. Hope you enjoyed the weekend and saw some sunshine. Just a reminder to those of you who have an IDL login, try to practise your reading and spelling. Also, there is a new Sumdog assessment starting today so good luck. I look forward to seeing the results.

Keep safe

Mrs Russell

March 30, 2020
by Mrs Carr

Zoo Trip!

Hi everyone!

I thought it might be nice to go on a virtual school trip to Chester Zoo tomorrow! The zoo is closed but the keepers are still looking after the animals and posting videos everyday to youtube.


It should go live at 10am. After watching the video you could make a poster about the animal.  We would love to see them!

March 30, 2020
by Mrs McDermott

Primary 6 – Week 2

Hi P6, hope you are all well and had a nice weekend. I have posted some more activities on Teams and thought I would add them on the blog for anyone who is struggling to access the files. (I know how frustrating this is, but please do keep trying and don’t stress if you are having difficulty uploading your work. As long as you are trying the tasks that is all that matters).

Art- This weeks’ window challenge is to create sunshine pictures to display in your windows and I have uploaded some easter egg mindful colouring sheets. If you do not have access to a printer, try copying the designs or create some of your own.

Easter Egg Mindful colouring

Maths- Missing digit addition and subtraction challenge and outdoor maths challenge cards you can try if you are out in the garden or walking with your family.

Missing Digit Challenge

Outdoor Maths Challenge Cards

Outdoor Challenge Cards Version2

Literacy – Punctuation worksheet. If you cannot print the sheet you can copy it into a jotter or on paper.

Correct the sentence punctuation

Remember to read as often as you can and look back at the list of resources and websites Mr Blackwood and I posted last week.

Happy learning and stay safe 🙂


March 30, 2020
by User deactivated

P2K Sumdog

Well done K M-G! You are the only one in our class so far who has tried going on Sumdog! And you are doing so well! Come on everyone else! Have a go and see if you can keep up with K . It is lots of fun as I am sure K will agree.

March 30, 2020
by User deactivated

Shadow Drawing

Monday 30th March 2020

Good morning boys, girls and teachers! Well it’s a lovely sunny day today to lift our spirits. I saw this activity on YouTube yesterday and I thought it would be a fun thing to do on the next sunny day! Have a look at the pictures below and see what you think. Simply find some interesting objects around the house, grab a pencil and paper and you’re ready to go! Try it at different times of the day and investigate the differences between the shadows made.

If you want to find more about the science behind shadows watch the video below. Post a comment and let me know how you get on. Happy drawing!!

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