Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

April 27, 2020
by Miss McKean

P7 Learning for this week.

Good Morning Primary 7! This week we are going to change the way we are working slightly. Every Monday myself and Mrs Ross will post a learning grid and all resources linked to this grid. There will be four assignments to complete and a selection of choice activities (the learning grid explains all). This is very similar to how we have been working so far. All work for the week ahead will be posted on the school blog and on Teams.

Mrs Ross and Miss McKean


Learning Grid P7-27th April


MILD 1-12 Times-Tables Challenge Booklet

SPICY Fractions of a number

HOT fractions decimals %2


Rewrite the stars- Comprehension

Usain Bolt- Mild, Spicy or Hot Writing Challenge (1)



Link to the quiz – https://forms.office.com/Pages/DesignPage.aspx?Host=Teams&lang=%7blocale%7d&groupId=%7bgroupId%7d&tid=%7btid%7d&teamsTheme=%7btheme%7d&upn=%7bupn%7d#FormId=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKSL-KgUohUtBk2gCUWi2hfhUQjRDSTVUNTVTRVNFTlFEMThHNEJHOFJPSSQlQCN0PWcu

Additional Tasks

Geography home learningPPT

April 27, 2020
by User deactivated

P2/1 and P1 RME- Feelings of Happiness and Sadness

Good morning! I hope you have all been enjoying the sunshine! Today we are going to be listening to the story of , “The Ugly Duckling.” We are going to be thinking about where feelings of happiness and sadness appear in the story.

Step 1:-  Watch the video of the Ugly Duckling

Step 2:-  Think about

  • Is it kind to call the duckling ugly? How does it make him feel?
  • How would you feel if someone said that to you?
  • He is all by himself. How does he feel?
  • Who are the animals who make him feel sad?
  • What happens at the end of the story and how does he feel now?

Step 3:- Imagine you are the Ugly Duckling Where would you go? What animals do you think you would meet? Can you draw a picture and write a sentence about where you went and what animals you saw? My sentence is – I went to the swing park and I met two friendly dogs.   You can do this in your jotter on on a piece of paper.

Step 4 :-  Listen to the song  about the Ugly Duckling.  I loved this song when I was a wee girl!


April 27, 2020
by User deactivated

P3-RME 6 Main Muslim Beliefs

Good morning P 3. I hope you have managed to enjoy some of the lovely sunshine we have been having and have been staying safe! Now let’s get on with some work.

In our last section of work we looked at bible stories and we thought about caring and kindness. Last week we thought about what makes a good father(thinking about Jesus and god’s actions in the stories.) Today we are going to focus on Muslim Beliefs. We are going to be finding out some information about them and understanding that it is important to respect other people’s beliefs.

Step 1:-  Read the power point, on Muslim believes which will tell you all about them-what they are and what they mean. Ask someone in your house to help you with this and talk to you about it. If you can’t open a power point there is a second document you can use with the information on it.

Step 2:-  When you have finished reading create a mind map about Muslim beliefs.  Write the Words Muslim Beliefs in the middle of a piece of paper or in a page of your jotter.  You can do this in bright colours .  Around the words write things that you can remember about Muslim beliefs eg.Zakat, five pillar, Allah is Muslims one God,Prophets, Muhammad.

Step 3:- Talk to your adult about why you think it is important to learn about what different people believe.

muslim beliefs-P3           Muslim Beliefs p3 (pdf)

April 27, 2020
by User deactivated

P2 RME- Harvest Story of Ruth and Naomi

Good morning Primary 2! I hope you have had a lovely weekend and have enjoyed some fresh air and sunshine. I hope you are managing to do some RME tasks during your busy days.

This week we are going to be finishing our work on Sukkot by reading the Harvest story of Ruth and Naomi. We are going to be thinking about caring, sharing and friendship in this story. It is from the bible but also appears in the Jewish holy book-Torah.  It is told to children at Harvest time either at home or in the Synagogue.

Step 1:- Read and talk about the story with someone in your house. Talk about the caring, sharing and friendship. How did Ruth help Naomi? Did she care about her?

Step 2:- Make a Ruth Paper doll using a toilet roll tube and the given template. OR complete the story memory sheet.

If you aren’t able to print these then you could draw the paper doll body parts and cut them out and stick them onto a toilet roll tube. If you choose the Memory sheet you can draw the pictures in your jotter that relate to the story.

Ruth and Naomi


Good Luck!

April 27, 2020
by Mrs McDermott

Primary 6 Week Beginning 27/04/20 – Learning Grid

Good morning Primary 6, I hope you have had a lovely weekend and have managed to enjoy some sunshine. Mr Blackwood and I have attached a learning grid for this week along with all of the resources you will need. The 4 main activities have been set as assignments on Teams. Some of the activities have mild, spicy and hot versions for you to choose from. Please make sure you are challenging yourself and using the other supporting resources to help you. Full instructions for each activity are on the learning grid, please read them carefully and if you have any questions you can ask us here or in the General Channel on Teams. Happy learning🌈

April 27, 2020
by User deactivated

P.2 Health & Wellbeing – Sun Safety

Hi P.2! Mrs Black here….

I usually see you all every week to do Health & Wellbeing, so I’ll be adding a fun task here each week. With all this lovely weather, I thought it would be a good idea to learn about how to look after ourselves in the sun.

1: Watch this video about George the Sun Safe Superstar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwyqaLnsi5Q

2: There’s a fun activity attached – see if you can select all the things you need to keep safe in the sun. Sun Safety P.2

If you can’t download the activity sheet for any reason, try drawing a big beach bag, then drawing all the things you’d need to take with you to the beach to keep safe in the sun.

Have fun, and stay safe in the sun!

Mrs Black

April 27, 2020
by User deactivated

The Squirrels who Squabbled – Vocabulary Building Task

Hi P.4, I hope you all had a nice weekend in the sun.

This weeks vocabulary building task is based on one of my favourite books, The Squirrels who Squabbled. There are lots of things to love about this book – the beautiful illustrations, the fantastic vocabulary, rhymes and alliteration, and best of all, it’s funny.


First watch the book being read here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUxkmQKdTwQ&t=48s

Then answer the questions attached.


The link to the Collins online dictionary and thesaurus is here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUxkmQKdTwQ&t=48s


Squirrels Who Squabbed Questions

April 27, 2020
by User deactivated

Group 1 Phonics: Week Beg 27th April

Morning Group 1 Phonics Pupils and Parents,

Since the phonics approach being used in extra phonics sessions is centred around Read Write Inc approaches, we’re going to use some of their fantastic online resources to consolidate as well as learn new phonics. The Ruth Miskin Training channel on youtube is running Live phonics sessions every day. There are three 10 – 15 minute sessions back to back, covering Speed Sounds, Word Time and Spelling. The videos are available for 24hrs from the point of going live, so you can fit it into your day wherever works best.

Group 1 will be following Set 1, and this week they will be covering e, l, h, r, j. This is consolidation work of sounds that have not been consistently retained.

1: Go to Ruth Miskin Training on youtube. Watch Set 1 Speed Sounds, Word Time & Spelling lessons. They start at 9.30, 9.45 & 10am, but will be available for 24hrs so you can watch later in the day.  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

2: Go to the Oxford Owl website (all children should have been given a login). Login first, then come back to this page and click this link.  Set 1 Speed Sounds book – this is an interactive book that lets your child practise the letter formation directly on the screen. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29318.html

3: Staying on the Oxford Owl page, if you scroll down slightly from the Set 1 Speed Sounds, you’ll see individual Speed Sound practice sheets. Select the one that matches each days phonics video. If you have access to a printer, print off the relevant sheet. If you don’t, try and do something similar on a blank piece of paper, or in your child’s home learning jotter. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/read-write-inc-phonics-guide/#set1

4: Practice the Speedy Green Words – https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29096.html

Hopefully all the links work and you manage to access everything. Finally, there’s a lot of content here. Please don’t feel you have to do it all, just dip in and out of what you can, and what works around your family / work / life balance.

Mrs Black


April 27, 2020
by User deactivated

Group 2, Group 3 and Group 4 Phonics: Week Beginning 27th April

Morning Phonics Pupils and Parents,

Since the phonics approach being used in extra phonics sessions is centred around Read Write Inc approaches, we’re going to use some of their fantastic online resources to consolidate as well as learn new phonics. The Ruth Miskin Training channel on youtube is running Live phonics sessions every day. There are three 10 – 15 minute sessions back to back, covering Speed Sounds, Word Time and Spelling. The videos are available for 24hrs from the point of going live, so you can fit it into your day wherever works best.

Groups 2, 3 & 4 will be following Set 2, and this week they will be covering ow, oo, ar and or. For some this will be consolidation, and for others it will be completely new. At some point over the next few weeks I may separate out these groups, but for now all children in these groups will benefit from these lessons.

1: Go to Ruth Miskin Training on youtube. Watch Set 2 Speed Sounds & Word Time at 10am, then the Spelling at 10.15am. The videos will be available for 24hrs so you can watch later in the day.  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

2: Go to the Oxford Owl website (all children should have been given a login). Login first, then come back to this page and click this link.  Set 2 Speed Sounds book – this is an interactive book that you can use to practise the sounds again, or even use the pen tool to practise writing over the top on the screen. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29317.html

3: Staying on the Oxford Owl page, if you scroll down slightly from the Set 1 Speed Sounds, you’ll see individual Speed Sound practice sheets. Select the one that matches each days phonics video. If you have access to a printer, print off the relevant sheet. If you don’t, try and do something similar on a blank piece of paper, or in your child’s home learning jotter. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/read-write-inc-phonics-guide/#set1

4: Practice the Speedy Green Words. Try these first https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29097.html

If your child found these words easy and read them at sight without sounding out, try these ones https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29093.html

Hopefully all the links work and you manage to access everything. Finally, there’s a lot of content here. Please don’t feel you have to do it all, just dip in and out of what you can, and what works around your family / work / life balance.

Mrs Black


April 27, 2020
by User deactivated

Weekly Grammar Task

Hi P.4,

I hope you’ve had a nice weekend in the sunshine.

This weeks grammar task is revising conjunctions (also known as connectives). There are two sheets attached, focusing on But, Or and So. We’ve used these in our sessions, so give it your best shot!

But and Or

But and So

Mrs Black

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