Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

May 11, 2020
by User deactivated

Group 1 Phonics for Week Beginning 11th May

Morning Group 1 Phonics Pupils and Parents,

I do hope you’re managing to access these live RWInc lessons, please do get in touch with any feedback or questions.

This week they’ll be covering x, sh, th, ch, qu. These are more complex than the single letter sounds, but encourage your child to have a go anyway, particularly with the Sounds lesson. If your child finds the spelling lesson too challenging, just pretend you’re the pupil and model it to them. If you are joining in the live lessons, this is more than enough practise, so treat steps 2-4 below as optional extras. If you can’t access the YouTube videos, then Steps 2-4 below will provide plenty other activities.

1: Go to Ruth Miskin Training on youtube. Watch Set 1 Speed Sounds, Word Time & Spelling lessons. They start at 9.30, 9.45 & 10am, but will be available for 24hrs so you can watch later in the day. I’ve found it easier to go on half hour later than the live time to avoid the delay. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

Optional Extras

2: Go to the Oxford Owl website (all children should have been given a login). Login first, then come back to this page and click this link.  Set 1 Speed Sounds book – this is an interactive book that lets your child practise the letter formation directly on the screen. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29318.html

3: Staying on the Oxford Owl page, if you scroll down slightly from the Set 1 Speed Sounds, you’ll see individual Speed Sound practice sheets. Select the one that matches each days phonics video. If you have access to a printer, print off the relevant sheet. If you don’t, try and do something similar on a blank piece of paper, or in your child’s home learning jotter. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/read-write-inc-phonics-guide/#set1

4: Practice the Speedy Green Words – https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29096.html

Hopefully all the links work and you manage to access everything. Finally, there’s a lot of content here. Please don’t feel you have to do it all, just dip in and out of what you can, and what works around your family / work / life balance.

Mrs Black

May 11, 2020
by User deactivated

Groups 2, 3 & 4 Phonics for Week Beginning 11th May

Morning Phonics Pupils and Parents,

I hope you are managing to join in with some of the live RWInc lessons. Please do get in touch with any questions or feedback.

Groups 2, 3 & 4 will still be following Set 2, and this week they will be covering ay, ee, igh, ow, oo. For some this will be consolidation, and for others it will be completely new.

1: Go to Ruth Miskin Training on youtube. Watch Set 2 Speed Sounds & Word Time at 10am, then the Spelling at 10.15am. The videos will be available for 24hrs so you can watch later in the day. TOP TIP: I’ve found it easier to go onto the channel half hour later than the live, so it’s definitely there and it avoids the live delay that sometimes happens.  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

Optional Extras

2: Go to the Oxford Owl website (all children should have been given a login). Login first, then come back to this page and click this link.  Set 2 Speed Sounds book – this is an interactive book that you can use to practise the sounds again, or even use the pen tool to practise writing over the top on the screen. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29317.html

3: Staying on the Oxford Owl page, if you scroll down slightly from the Set 2 Speed Sounds, you’ll see individual Speed Sound practice sheets. Select the one that matches each days phonics video. If you have access to a printer, print off the relevant sheet. If you don’t, try and do something similar on a blank piece of paper, or in your child’s home learning jotter. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/read-write-inc-phonics-guide/#set1

4: Practice the Speedy Green Words. Try these first https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29097.html

If your child found these words easy and read them at sight without sounding out, try these ones https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29093.html

Hopefully all the links work and you manage to access everything. Finally, there’s a lot of content here. Please don’t feel you have to do it all, just dip in and out of what you can, and what works around your family / work / life balance.

Mrs Black

May 11, 2020
by User deactivated

Good Morning P2/1 and P1

Hello everyone,

We hope you have all had a good weekend.  Here are some activities for you to have a go at this week.

LITERACY – Have a look at the words below, read them aloud, then try to make up some sentences using as many of the words as you can.  You could also try to write a little story in your jotter and draw a picture to go with your story.

200 High Frequency Words

SCIENCE – To continue with our Growing Plants topic you can try to put these pictures and sentences into the correct order.  If you manage to get the printed sheets you can cut and stick them into your jotter.


Parts of a flower

You can also colour in these pictures of flowers or copy them into your jotter.


READING – Scroll through the cards in the link below.  You might find some interesting ideas to help you improve your reading skills.  You can try to make your very own little mouse bookmarks if you watch the following clip.

Reading Area Challenge Cards

NUMERACY – Have some fun being a code breaker to find the answers to these addition sums in the link below.

Seaside Crack the Code Addition to 10

May 10, 2020
by Miss Gorman

Primary 5: Home Learning 11th May

Please ensure you use the supporting materials to help you, as well as having access to them here you can find them on Teams (P5 2019-20 > General channel > Files > Weekly Resources > Wkb 11th May).
Priority tasks should be uploaded into the appropriate Assignment.
Any additional work should be uploaded into your own ‘Personal Folder’ (P5 2019-20 > General channel > Files > Personal Folders).

This week’s home learning grid can be found here: 11th May Home Learning

Reading with sound effects
 (Word document)
Reading with sound effects (PDF version)
If you are unable to record yourself for this task you could complete a storyboard/comic strip to show how sound could be added.

Creating a Character PowerPoint Please use this to support you in your writing
Character Description Bubble
Show Dont Tell Worksheet (Word document)
Show Dont Tell Worksheet (PDF version)
Supporting Resources
Emotion Works Toolkit for Character Writing

Squares & Triangles

coordinates squares and triangles
 (Word document)
coordinates squares and triangles (PDF version)

Circle zoo coordinates and Circles Writing Directions

Chili Challenge (optional)
coordinates chilli challenge  (Word document)
coordinates chilli challenge (PDF version)

Health & Wellbeing Resources*
End of Year Reflection (Word document)
End of Year Reflection (PDF version)

Additional Activities Resources
VE Day Celebrations
What is VE Day? 
Makaton Video
Design a VE Day medal

Outdoor Learning
Shape Challenges (Word document)
Shape Challenges (PDF version)

Health & Wellbeing
PE Challenge Cards SET 2

Problem Solving

Science: Friction
Create a Hover Craft

A Guide on how to use the different channels on teams can be here: P5 Teams Guide

May 10, 2020
by User deactivated

Make Your Own Playdough

Sunday 10th May 2020

Oh dear, where has the sun gone today?

How did you all get on with yesterday’s emoji quiz? Some of the questions were very tricky! Here are the answers…how many did you get correct? 

As it looks like it’s going to be an indoor day today maybe you could try making your own playdough? Here is a really simple recipe using ingredients that hopefully you will already have in your kitchen cupboards.

May 8, 2020
by Miss Suen

Story Story Story 📚

Another story for you, feel free to listen to it whenever you want!

The story is called Together by Jane Simmons.


Can I also say a Big WELL DONE to TK , SC and KMG in P1S for trying the assessment and challenge on Sumdog. For those who have not had a go yet, you will have 9 days to do so! Give it a go! I know you can do it. 💪

Remember that you can send us anything you would like to show us to the following email address and it will be passed on to us!


Look forward in hearing from some of you! Mrs Meek, Mrs Carr and I are thinking of you all 🙂

Have a good weekend!

May 8, 2020
by Miss Suen

75th anniversary of VE Day 🎉

Good Morning P1 and P2/1 ⛅

VE DAY is today, and it is the 75th anniversary of the event. Normally VE day is celebrated with street parties, parades and concerts, but any public events are cancelled this year in order to obey social distancing rules.
However, here are some links for more information about VE day and little activities you can do at home!

What is VE Day all about?

Learn A Wartime Song in Makaton!

Commemorate VE Day 75th with musical activity

VE Day Activities

If you read Mrs Meek’s previous post, you would know that we usually spend the last term in school learning about how plants grow and planting some seeds.

Ms Suen decided to plant some seeds🌱 and potatoes 🥔2 weeks ago. They are growing so fast.


If you remembered well, we had a little plant in a can🌺 and sun flowers 🌻 from Mrs Fairley that sat on our window sill. They are doing super well as well!


I will keep you updated on how they are.

One last thing!!!!! Ms Suen will be back later on today with another story.

May 8, 2020
by Mrs Duff


Good morning Primary 2. Happy Friday!

How has your week been?

Remember to let Mrs Kohler and me know what you have been up to – films you’re watching, games you’re playing, books you’re reading and how you’re feeling too. It’s good to share and important too.

We’d love to hear from you because we’re missing you all! We’re missing your smiles, your chat and even your noise!!

Anyway, below are the answers to your Maths work for this week, for anyone who has finished them. Let me know how they were for you.

Take care and have a lovely weekend. Give someone in your house a big hug!

Mrs Duff and Mrs Kohler

04_05_2020 CIRCLES maths answers




May 8, 2020
by Mrs Ross

Week Beginning 11th of May

Hello Primary 7,

Here is everything you need for the week beginning the 11th of May. Please read over the learning grid to begin with and all resources needed will be posted both here and on Teams.

Thank you,

Mrs Ross and Miss McKean

1-12 Times-Tables Challenge Booklet

EPIC log in

Guided Reading 11th of May

Learning Grid P7-11th of May- to upload

Making a Mindful Lava Lamp Activity

MILD – Types of angles

My Diary

SPICY and HOT -Angles in triangles

Thank you key workers colouring sheets

The 39 Clues – the_maze_of_bones

Unit 4

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