Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

May 13, 2020
by User deactivated

Grow Your Own Tomotatoes

Wednesday 13th May 2020

Over the past few weeks I have been growing my own vegetables.  Here is a picture of my Veg Trug where I am growing lettuce, onions, shallots, kale, beetroot and spinach.

Why not have a go at growing your own veg. Next time you slice a tomato in half, put the seeds on a kitchen towel and allow them to dry for a few days.  Once the seeds are dry, plant them one to a pot in a sunny spot and water every day.

May 12, 2020
by Mrs McLachlan

Primary 1 and P2/1 Music task

Hi Primary 1 and 2/1

Hope you are all well and staying safe at home. I have uploaded a music task for you to try to with a simple song called See Saw. It is very similar to See Saw Glasgow town we use during singing games so do not get confused with the different rhythms!

  • First  – think about clapping a steady beat and signing along.
  • Then  – try move on to clapping the rhythm by using the syllables of each word ( 1 beat slow or 2 half beats quick)
  • Finally – use the worksheet to cut and stick or draw in the correct note rhythms.

Remember – 1 line=crotchet=1 image    2 lines bridge=quaver= 2 small images

Have fun,

Mrs McLachlan

PS I have uploaded a word document with instructions and visuals to support!

Seesaw ta titi rhythm worksheet p1

See Saw Up and Down Instructions p1


May 12, 2020
by Mrs McLachlan
1 Comment

Primary 3 Music task

Hi Primary 3

Hope you are all well and keeping safe at home! I have uploaded a music task for you to try. Use your knowledge of musical notes and Kodaly to clap or play out the word syllables. See if you can match them to the correct note name and Kodaly syllable rhythm. I will attach a Kodaly poster to support you!


1 beat/clap = crotchet= ta

half beat/2 quick claps = quaver= titi


Have fun,

Mrs McLachlan

Kodaly note syllable rhythm posters

Kodaly Rhythm spring match p3


May 12, 2020
by Miss Suen

Bonjour, ça va :)

Bonjour (Good morning ) ça va (how are you)?

The sky looks absolutely amazing🌞 just now and i’m hoping that it will stay like this for the rest of the day. Nice weather means that you can be out for your 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️run or walk🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️ or play 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️in your garden!

Here’s an idea for you: spend a little time looking at the clouds⛅ today and imagine what the clouds⛅ look like!

🌦I saw one that looked like a puppy yesterday!🐶


Mrs. Meek passed on another very lovely piece of writing ✍ from LM in P1M. You’ve got very lovely hand writing L 🎉! Primary 1 and Primary 2/1, if there’s anything you did or made at home and you are proud of or just want to show us, please do send it to wlharrysmuir-ps@westlothian.org.uk





Another big well done to those who tried to do the challenges and assessments on Sumdog. If you have not looked at it yet, they will be up for 5 more days until new ones are up. Take your time and Give it a go! Keep practising

💪 Remember what SC (P1S) always reminds us, ‘ Practice makes Perfect!’

Last but not least for our morning post (DRUM ROLL PLEASE🥁🥁🥁🥁)

A STORY for you all lovely smiley faces 👩👩‍🦱👦👱‍♂️👩‍🦰🧒👶🧑👨‍🦱👱‍♀️

📚 The Story is called Quick Quack Quetin by Kes Gray and Jim Field. 📚

🦆Quick Quack Quetin

May 12, 2020
by User deactivated


Tuesday 12th May 2020

I know that I should be working but this morning I have been glued to this shark cam! I have just managed to catch my first glimpse of one….can you ?

Sharks are amazing creatures. Here are some interesting facts…

May 12, 2020
by User deactivated
1 Comment

The Maths Factor

Good Morning everyone,

If you fancy a little change from Sumdog, this is another Maths resource for you to try out while the school is closed.  It normally costs £2 per week, but Carol Vorderman and Pearson are very kindly letting you have it for FREE just now.  Mrs Carr’s daughter loves it and I think Mrs Brearley will be very excited about it too! All the activities are suitable for children aged from 4-12 years.  If you  set up an account a password will be sent to you and then you can start playing straight away. Go on, what are you waiting for?

The Maths Factor

Have fun,

Mrs Meek, Ms Suen and Mrs Carr



May 12, 2020
by User deactivated

P1 and P2/1 Numeracy/Maths

Hello boys and girls,

Take a look at these video clips below.  In class we have already been learning the days of the week and would have been moving on to learning about the months of the year. This song will help you to remember the order they are in.


We have also included a clip from one of Mrs Carr’s favourites – Jack Hartmann.   He is singing a song to remind us all about about Dot Patterns, Tens Frames and Finger Patterns.  I think this could become one of Mrs Brearley’s favourite clips too…..



Mrs Meek, Mrs Carr and Ms Suen are missing you all very much.

May 12, 2020
by Mrs McLachlan

Primary 4 Music task

Hi Primary 4

Hope you are all keeping safe and well. I have uploaded a musical stave note reading worksheet for you all to try. Remember to revise the placement of each note on the stave using the F.A.C.E (on the line) and EveryGoodBoyDeservesFun (between the line) method or using the Music stave and notes poster. The activity suggest colours for each note but see if you can colour code them like our glockenspiels instead and work out the note letter from each colour i.e.

C is red, D is orange, E is yellow, F is green, G is Blue

Mrs McLachlan

Music stave and notes poster

Stave note read placement P4

May 12, 2020
by Mrs McLachlan

Primary 5 Music task

Hi Primary 5

Hope you are all keeping safe and well. I have uploaded a musical stave note placement worksheet for you all to try. Remember to revise the placement of each note on the stave using the F.A.C.E (on the line) and EveryGoodBoyDeservesFun (between the line) method or using the Music stave and notes poster. You could even try use the same colours for the notes that match with the notes on our glockenspiels i.e. C note is red, F is green.

Mrs McLachlan

Music stave and notes poster

Stave note write placement P5


May 12, 2020
by Mrs McLachlan

Primary 6 Music task

Hi Primary 6

Hope you are all keeping safe and well. I have uploaded a musical note addition sheet for you all to try. Remember to revise the value of each note before you begin using the note values and names word document i.e. a crotchet value is worth 1 beat, a semi breve is worth 4 beats. Have fun!

Mrs McLachlan

Note values and names

Musical note maths p6

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