Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

May 19, 2020
by Mrs Russell

P3 Week 7

Good morning Primary 3

Miss Buchanan and I are still missing all our chats with you. We hope you all had a good weekend and were able to do something fun on the Monday holiday.

Here is the grid and worksheets for this weeks home learning. Remember the important work is in yellow and if you wish to do more, there are suggested activities for you.

The West Lothian Sumdog competition is on till Thursday and we really need to beat Mr Blackwood’s class!! We need to have at least 10 pupils taking part to get on the leader board so we are relying on you all!!

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Russell

First Level Learning Grid Week 7 (1)

number_sequences_Week 7 Circles

number_sequences_Week 7 Tri and Squ

Spelling Bingo Challenge Week 7

Spelling Words Week 7 ff and ud (1)

May 19, 2020
by User deactivated

P1 and P2/1 19th -22nd May

Hello everyone,

We hope you all had a good weekend. Here are some activities you might want to try out this week.


We will continue to revise sounds we learned in class. Print the sheets below or copy them as best you can into your jotters.

“ng” SoundHunt



“0i” Sound Hunt

The  photo below will remind you of our Colourful Consonants and Vowel House colour codes.










A little bit of revision for you all. The sheets can be printed or you can try to copy the work into your jotters.

Monster Symmetry Activity


1-more-and-2-more-activity-sheets-version 2


Friday PE

PE Early Level Balance Activities PowerPoint

These can be done indoors,  or also outdoors if the weather is nice. 🌞  The whole family can join in too!

Have fun boys and girls. We miss you!

Mrs Carr, Ms Suen and Mrs Meek.  😊😊😊

May 18, 2020
by User deactivated

RME P2- The Christian Wedding Ceremony

Hi Primary 2

Last week we looked at Christian  Weddings and thought about the important people in the wedding party. Today we are going to continue with weddings and are going to be learning about the christian Wedding Ceremony. You might remember a few things from last week when you talked to someone in your house about weddings.

Step 1:- Watch the following video clip.  It is the Wedding of Prince William and Princess Catherine.  You will see what happens inside the church.

Step 2:- What did you see happening in the ceremony? Talk to someone in your house about it.

  • Bride and her father who gives her away arrive at the church in eg a fancy car or horse and carriage.
  •  Traditionally the Organist plays “Here comes the bride.” Dad walks his daughter down the aisle.
  • Groom and Best man wait at the front and the minister stands in front of them.
  • The guests sit in the pews and usually the bridesmaids come down the aisle in front of the bride.
  • There are prayers hymns, blessings and the minister performs the wedding ceremony.
  • The bride and groom exchange rings and make vows to each other saying that they will love and honour each other for the rest of their lives.
  • They are announced husband and wife and the groom then kisses the bride.
  • They sign the Register to make it legal with 2 witnesses.
  • They leave the church and people take pictures of them and throw confetti.

Step 3:- Look at the following worksheet.  It has a picture of a bride and groom that you can colour in. It asks you to write 3 things you remember that happened in the church ceremony.  Remember to write in a sentence, that starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. If you aren’t printing this sheet then you can draw the bride and groom and write your sentences under the picture.

The Christian Wedding Ceremony sheet – P2

May 18, 2020
by User deactivated

P3 -RME Christian churches

Hi Primary 3

My goodness, I really think Summer has arrived.  What lovely weather we are having! I hope you are all still staying safe and happy in your homes. Today we are going to start a new section of work.  We are learning the key features of a church and we are exploring what can be seen inside and outside of a church.

Have you visited a church? Perhaps you go with your family or you have been there for a special ceremony.

Step 1:- Look at the power point or document showing the things you might see inside and outside of a church.

P3-Inside and outside of a church   OR    P3-Inside and outside of a church.

What did you see? Talk to someone in your house about it.  You might have noticed  a cross, stained glass window, a clock outside, pews, a bible, a pulpit, flowers or an organ.  These pictures are of an old Church.  Modern churches like one in Ladywell will look a bit different from this.  They will have lots of the same key features inside of them.  Have you seen some of these key features before?

Step 2:- Look at the task sheets. The first one asks you to label the things you see outside of the church. Draw a line from the word to the item it matches in the picture.  If you can’t print it out then point out the items to someone in your house.  The second task shows pictures of key features inside of a church.  You  need to cut them out and stick them beside the correct description. Again if you can’t print this out, you can draw the pictures and write what they are underneath them.


May 18, 2020
by User deactivated

French- P2/1 and P1 French numbers (2)

Bonjour! I hope you are all working hard but finding lots of time to play too! Last time we looked at the French numbers from 1-10.  Are you are still practising them?

Step 1:-  You are going to listen to the French Numbers song(Numbers Song in French.Une Chanson des Chiffres.)



If you can join in counting then please do. You will be counting forwards and backwards from 1-10.  This is a small challenge! Good Luck.

Step 2:-  Last time we had flash cards of the numbers to help us. If you don’t have them here they are again to help you.      french 1-10 flashcards

Step 3:-  Have a look at Les Nombres(The numbers) work sheet.  You need to colour in the numbers and draw a line from the French word to the number and then write the word on the line below it.  If you can’t print it out, please don’t worry! You can write your numbers in bubble writing or rainbow writing in your jotter and write the French words underneath them.

Les nombres 1-10

Step 4:- You can play the “Find me,” game with someone in your house.  They can ask you to find something using the french number word. eg Find me deux red objects.  You have to find 2 red things in the house.   You can also play  Combien? Your partner holds up some things(eg, 3 pencils ) and says,” Combien ?” – This means how may . You need to reply in french, so you would say ,”trois.”

Have fun playing!

May 18, 2020
by Mrs McDermott

P6 Learning Grid wb 18th May 2020

Good morning Primary 6 🌞, Mr Blackwood and I hope you are all coping as best you can with this strange situation. We are very impressed with the amount of people who are working hard, both using Teams and the people who have been collecting paper packs from school. Gold stars all round ⭐.

Please find attached all the resources you will need for this week’s learning and remember that the writing task is carried over from last week, so you will find all of the resources for this in last week’s post on the blog and last week’s resource file on Teams.

You will also notice that Sumdog has been added as a priority task on the grid because we have set tasks and assessments for you to improve your spelling, grammar and maths skills. We would love to see as many of you as possible logging on to complete these tasks. If anyone needs reminding of their login details please let us know on here or contact the school office.

Have a fantastic week and stay safe 🌈

P6 Learning Grid 18th May


Mild Comprehension

Spicy Comprehension

Hot Comprehension

EPIC Login details with class code


Mild Shopping Activity

Spicy Shopping Activity

Hot Shopping Activity

Pizza Budget




Sail Boat Challenge

May 18, 2020
by Miss Hanlon

P4 Learning Grid – 18.05.20.

Good Morning Everyone!

Below is the learning grid for week beginning Monday 18th of May 2020. Have a little read of the whole thing, starred activities are the tasks that you should prioritise.

All files needed to complete the tasks are below and also in the files section on teams under Class Materials > Weekly Resources > Wk B 18.05.20.

P4 Learning Grid 18.5.20


Shape Assignment 1 READ ME FIRST

2D Shape Quiz

2D Shape Sorting Task

2D Shape Properties Table Hot

2D Shape Properties Table Mild

2D Shape Properties Table Spicy

2D Shape Properties Table Answers

2D Shape Colouring Sheets


Spelling y and ea. W.B 18.05.20.

Spelling Activity Grid

Handwriting – Unit 9 – ed

Spring Comprehension – Spicy

Spring Comprehension – Mild

Spring Comprehension – Hot

Spring Comprehension – Answers

Health and Wellbeing: 

READ ME FIRST – Sleep Assignment.

Sleep Cycle Powerpoint

Getting a good nights sleep guide

Five reasons to get a good nights sleep guide

The importance of sleep activity sheet

How much sleep do we need cut and stick activity


My Sleep Diary

French Clothes Powerpoint

French Clothes Worksheet

Outdoor Learning – Line of Symmetry

Thank you for all of your hard work. Have a lovely week! Remember to share your learning on our Teams page!

Miss Hanlon and Miss Barclay.


May 18, 2020
by User deactivated

Groups 2, 3 & 4 Phonics for Week Beginning 18th May

Morning Phonics Pupils and Parents,

I hope you are managing to join in with some of the live RWInc lessons. Please do get in touch with any questions or feedback.

Groups 2, 3 & 4 will still be following Set 2, and this week they will be covering oo, ar, or, air, ir. For some this will be consolidation, and for others it will be completely new.

1: Go to Ruth Miskin Training on youtube. Watch Set 2 Speed Sounds & Word Time at 10am, then the Spelling at 10.15am. The videos will be available for 24hrs so you can watch later in the day. TOP TIP: I’ve found it easier to go onto the channel half hour later than the live, so it’s definitely there and it avoids the live delay that sometimes happens.  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

Optional Extras

2: Go to the Oxford Owl website (all children should have been given a login). Login first, then come back to this page and click this link.  Set 2 Speed Sounds book – this is an interactive book that you can use to practise the sounds again, or even use the pen tool to practise writing over the top on the screen. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29317.html

3: Staying on the Oxford Owl page, if you scroll down slightly from the Set 2 Speed Sounds, you’ll see individual Speed Sound practice sheets. Select the one that matches each days phonics video. If you have access to a printer, print off the relevant sheet. If you don’t, try and do something similar on a blank piece of paper, or in your child’s home learning jotter. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/read-write-inc-phonics-guide/#set1

4: Practice the Speedy Green Words. Try these first https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29097.html

If your child found these words easy and read them at sight without sounding out, try these ones https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29093.html

Hopefully all the links work and you manage to access everything. Finally, there’s a lot of content here. Please don’t feel you have to do it all, just dip in and out of what you can, and what works around your family / work / life balance.

Mrs Black

May 18, 2020
by User deactivated

Group 1 Phonics for Week Beginning 18th May

Morning Group 1 Phonics Pupils and Parents,

I do hope you’re managing to access these live RWInc lessons, please do get in touch with any feedback or questions.

This week they’ll be covering ng, nk, m, a, s. The ng & nk sounds are more complex than the single letter sounds, but encourage your child to have a go anyway, particularly with the Sounds lesson. If your child finds the spelling lesson too challenging, just pretend you’re the pupil and model it to them. The Set 1 sounds will be starting from the beginning again from Wednesday (looping) but don’t worry about this. We weren’t using it from the beginning, and any extra consolidation of these sounds is very beneficial.

If you are joining in the live lessons, this is more than enough practise, so treat steps 2-4 below as optional extras. If you can’t access the YouTube videos, then Steps 2-4 below will provide plenty other activities.

1: Go to Ruth Miskin Training on youtube. Watch Set 1 Speed Sounds, Word Time & Spelling lessons. They start at 9.30, 9.45 & 10am, but will be available for 24hrs so you can watch later in the day. I’ve found it easier to go on half hour later than the live time to avoid the delay. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

Optional Extras

2: Go to the Oxford Owl website (all children should have been given a login). Login first, then come back to this page and click this link.  Set 1 Speed Sounds book – this is an interactive book that lets your child practise the letter formation directly on the screen. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29318.html

3: Staying on the Oxford Owl page, if you scroll down slightly from the Set 1 Speed Sounds, you’ll see individual Speed Sound practice sheets. Select the one that matches each days phonics video. If you have access to a printer, print off the relevant sheet. If you don’t, try and do something similar on a blank piece of paper, or in your child’s home learning jotter. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/read-write-inc-phonics-guide/#set1

4: Practice the Speedy Green Words – https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29096.html

Hopefully all the links work and you manage to access everything. Finally, there’s a lot of content here. Please don’t feel you have to do it all, just dip in and out of what you can, and what works around your family / work / life balance.

Mrs Black

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