All posts by Miss Sellar


CLYDE you are our winners for Fortnight Fitness 2020! A huge congratulations for all your hard work over the last 2 weeks to win your crown!

2nd place (TAY) was only 20 points behind you and third place (FORTH) was only 30 points behind you!

SOLWAY – What happened!?!

Well done to everyone who took part and I hope you had so much fun!

Have a fabulous summer and remember to look back at YouTube links I sent to keep fit & of course keep skipping!!!!

Miss Sellar


I have been waiting for this day!

The children are the teachers!!!!!!

(Some extra information – please see task from your teachers on SWAY or Teams!)

Dear all,


I am so looking forward to seeing your sports days you create! You are all so creative and I know you will each have your own fun ideas! Some pupils have set their own challenges for me over the past week and I’ve loved doing these for them!


I know it will take a while to plan & get ready for your sports day, so if you are wanting your activity sheet looked at and you plan on doing a sports day I will trust you to mark it down to gain your points. +50 remember!


Hopefully the weekend remains dry so if you are doing your planning today and getting resources ready you will be able to host your sports day, later today, Saturday or Sunday!


Google is our best friend most of the time and it will give you lots of great ideas for sports day stations. You may include more up-to-date activities like a TikTok challenge or a World record task!


Most importantly, don’t stress over things that you don’t have. I don’t, like many have a PE cupboard at home with lots of cones, balls, hoops etc. Use what you have – Tupperware, teabags, string, bowls, baskets, socks, crawl under a duvet? Trampoline, bike, cuddly toys, spoons. I can ensure you, I will be using these for my sports day next Friday!

Have the best time with your families!!  & have a plan b for activities to do indoors in case it rains!

Lastly – If you are doing your weekly shop this weekend and are looking to buy a few things for the challenges next week, marshmallows, smarties and cooking chocolate or Icing sugar & biscuits would be great! I will also be showing you how to make a few smoothies with fruit and natural Greek yoghurt. If you are isolating/ this isn’t suitable for you– make something from ingredients you have in the house already!

All the best,

Blue Peter’s 6 badges of summer

You can join in with the BBC’s Blue Perer challenges too! Some of the activities you do in Fitness Fortnight may allow you to work towards 6 badges of summer!

Everything below is copied from this website page – 

Over six weeks in June and July, we will be celebrating a different Blue Peter badge a week and asking you to show us how you are getting on by sending in your photos and videos. We’re calling it Blue Peter’s 6 Badges of Summer. Green, Sport, Music, Blue, Fan Club and Silver – 6 Blue Peter Badges you can earn right now!

Download a 6 Badges of Summer Wall Chart

The best way to get involved and keep track of everything you’re doing for Blue Peter’s 6 Badges of Summer is to download an awesome wall chart!

Download here 

Fitness Fortnight

Hello everyone!

It has been amazing to see the turnout for Fortnight Fitness in the past 3 days!

I have absolutely loved receiving videos/photos of you and your siblings joining in with the challenges set!

I have also managed to give out extra points for extra fitness tasks; skatepark workout, recording a cycle and walk on Strava, trampoline workout, basketball practice and a pupil has made the first sports day banner for their garden!!! All amazing work coming in!

I am extremely looking forward to receiving all the logs of week 1 on Friday so I can count up all the points so far! Don’t worry if your plan for your own sports day is at the weekend you will get your 50 points!

Lastly if you want to be featured in my fortnight fitness imovie feel free to send any videos/photos of you trying out the challenges!

Many thanks!

Fortnight Fitness

Dedridge Primary School – Virtual Fitness Fortnight 2020

One of the highlights in our summer term is Dedridge Sports day!

This year our sports day at school cannot take place, however it doesn’t mean that we can’t have some fun!

For 2020, we will have our very first virtual fitness fortnight from the 8th – 19th of June and our first virtual sports day on Friday the 19th of June.  The results of which, should still give us a winning sports day (fortnight) house!

Each day 3 challenges will be set for all pupils to try out. These will be sent out by your teacher on Teams or SWAY and I have created on PowerPoint slides. I will also post these on the blog each day.

Practice each challenge and then record your best score. Send us your score or a video of you trying out the challenge to your teacher my email by 3:30pm each day.  This will allow me to calculate the scores for each houses! I will update each morning what the scores are from the previous day so you know how your house is getting on!

Don’t worry if you have forgotten your house, I have this information.

At the end of the two weeks the house that has won will be announced. I will speak with Mr Todd about how we can let this out to you.

Try and complete as many challenges as you can and share your scores and videos, it all adds up to your teams score.

A surprise is coming your way on Monday, staff members will be delivering something to you to help with fitness fortnight.

Lastly, If possible in your next food shop please pick up any fruit or veg that you can create a healthy face for a snack! If you can’t manage on the day I send it out then you can always do another day!

The most important thing is however, that you have lots of fun and stay safe!

I look forward to hearing from you,

Miss Sellar