Are you as fit as us?!

We are working on keeping fit in PE at the moment. We have been identifying what muscles we are using when we take part in these fitness stations. It has been lots of fun!

Add comments of any extra fitness activities you or your family have been doing after school. This could be walking home, to a friends, playing on your bike, going to a club etc!



5 thoughts on “Are you as fit as us?!”

  1. Abby really enjoys dancing after school & likes swimming. She also loves playing at the park on the monkey bars.😊

  2. Jessica loves to go out on her bike with her friends and little brother for hours on end. As soon as she gets to mines the first this she asks for is her bike to go out an play with.
    Her little brother Kobin is right behind her on his bike.

    Jessica also attends swimming on a Sunday every week which she has excelled in and loves doing.

  3. I would love to say that Amelia loves PE, however, when she tells me at home about it she says “the best thing about PE is Mr McKirdy!” Doesn’t have good balance or patience our Amelia.

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