BEYC Space Station

We have enjoyed learning all about Space and the Solar System this term.  Our house corner transformed into a ‘space station’, we have been investigating ‘space goo’ and we were also lucky enough to be at nursery during a solar eclipse!

On the 24th of March the afternoon group took part in a Glow meet (video conferencing) with a real astronaut.  Over 100 schools from all over Scotland took part to ask Commander Chris Hadfield questions about his time as a commander of the International Space Station and his two shuttle missions in space.  We were extremely lucky to be selected to ask a question live on the webcam in front of all the other schools.  We all sat at the Smartboard (some of us dressed up in astronaut costumes!) to listen to Commander Hadfield, who called all the way from Mexico.  Our very important question was “Are there aliens in Space?” by Ava aged 3.  Ruby aged 3, very bravely stepped up to the webcam and asked the question on behalf on the nursery.

Thanks again to Jennifer McDougall form Education Scotland who organized another fantastic Glow meet.


HWB 0-12a HWB 0-19a LIT 0-04a  LIT 0-14a  LIT 0-26a  EXA 0-14a  SCN 0-06a   TCH 0-01a   TCH 0-04a


Stay Play and Learn

Thank you to all who got involved and supported the children’s learning at Stay, Play and Learn this month.  Have a look at the gallery to see what a fun, busy week we had…..

Chinese New Year Celebrations

The children have been learning about Chinese  New Year over the last few weeks at nursery and wraparound through a variety of multi-sensory activities. We think everyone will agree tasting Chinese food for a special group snack was the most enjoyable experience!

The wraparound children worked extremely hard to plan and create a fabulous Chinese dragon.  They searched the internet to learn about Chinese dragon dances and put on a super show while we ate our noodles and prawn crackers!

Have  a look at our photos to find out what else we have been doing to learn about  Chinese New Year and celebrate the year of the Sheep ………


HWB 0-10a   HWB 0-13a HWB 0-19a HWB 0-29a HWB 0-30a LIT 0-04a LIT 0-14a LIT 0-21b EXA 0-01a EXA 0-05a EXA 0-09a  SOC 0-15a RME 0-06a  SCN 0-12a






Searching for Spring.

The children have been exploring on the hill, searching for the early signs of spring. They found some snowdrops, a tree with tiny leaf buds and even a crocus or two.

I am learning about where living things come from and about how they grow, develop and are nurtured.

HWB 0-50a

Within real and imaginary situations, I share experiences and feelings, ideas and information in a way that communicates my message.

LIT 0-09a

I am aware of how routines and events in my world link with times and seasons, and have explored ways to record and display these using clocks, calendars and other methods.
MNU 0-10a

I can talk about science stories to develop my understanding of science and the world around me.
SCN 0-20a

I explore and appreciate the wonder of nature within different environments and have played a part in caring for the environment.

SOC 0-08a

Fire Pit Fun in February

In February we are learning how to risk assess and responsibly make fires in our fire pit.  We are discovering how to safely toast and eat marshmallows, bread and cheese.  The children are developing their sense of personal safety while working well in teams. Lots of problem solving and mathematical and science concepts are being explored.  This exciting hands on activity promotes great cross curricular learning;

Gabriel “Too many sticks kill the fire.”

Louis “Wet twigs don’t go on fire.”

Lily “ Marshmallows melt fast.”

Conlan “Smoke nips your eyes.”

Alfie “Blowing gently (on the embers) makes the fire grow.”

AJ “You can burn yourself.”

Beth “We needed sticks and cough (cotton) wools.”

Roisin “We put fire on the marshmallow.”

Ava “We ate it.”

Gabriel “ We were eating them.”

Darcie “We put marshmallows in the fire pit.”

Sadie “We made the fire with sticks.  My clothes were all smoke.”

Jack “Wood.”

Matthew “We had to split some wood, then put some sticks in, then it made fire!”

Conlan “Smoke was in my eyes.”

Megan “I made toast on the fire.”

Reuben “I tasted the burny bit and it was yuck!”

Evan “It was soft and sooooooo yummy!”

Gillan “If you fall in then you will just die.”

HWB 0-11a  HWB 0-16a  HWB 0-17a  HWB 0-23a  HWB 0-29a  LIT 0-04a  MNU 0-01a  MNU 0-07a  MNU 0-11a  SCN 0-12a  SCN 0-15a


Ice Explorers

At the beginning of the week we discovered icy patches on our playground and frost all over the grass as temperatures dropped.  We have been experimenting with water by leaving it in various sized and shaped containers to see if ‘Jack Frost’ will turn it into ice overnight.  We then added paint to water to make rainbow ice.

HWB 0-11a LIT 0-04a MNU 0-11a SCN 0-05a

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