Easter Egg Hunt

Here are some photographs of the children having fun hunting for golden eggs today at nursery.  Mrs McKay spotted the Easter Bunny hop off along the garden path but we were not quick enough to catch him this year……

Tasty Celebrations

We celebrated Chinese New Year by learning about the Chinese Zodiac animals on a Smartboard story, discussing the year of the monkey, recalling and sequencing the story with sequencing cards and watching dragon dance videos.  We tried hard to write Chinese numerals on whiteboards, very tricky!  We tasted a lovely all together snack of sweet and sour noodles,   stir fry vegetables and prawn crackers at group time.

Aidian D  “They are good, I’ve ate them all up.”
Rhys “I like when they are all tied up.”
Abbie and Corey  “Yummy.”

Kung Hei Fat Choi


The next day we enjoyed eating yummy pancakes on Shrove Tuesday for our snack, with lots of toppings to choose from.  We listened to Mr Wolfs pancakes story and laughed about the surprise ending! We practiced flipping our playdough pancakes and talked about or favourite toppings.

Zac “I had syrup on my pancakes, I poured it on”

Aidan “I had jam raspberry on, I had to spread it on with a spoon.”


On Wednesday we began making love heart biscuits to give to someone we love to celebrate Valentine ’s Day.  We learned about the story of St Valentine through a story on the Smartboard and made Valentine’s cards in the art area.     Once we baked our biscuits we decorated them with bright red icing and lots of sprinkles.

Please have a look at our photographs to see just how busy we have been!

HWB 0-29a  HWB 0-35a RME 0-04a

St Andrews Day Celebration

The boys and girls all helped to celebrate St Andrews day on Monday the 30th of November. We were very busy in the art area learning about St Andrew, (a fisherman who was friends with Jesus) and creating our own Scottish flags to take home.  Some children chose to paint their flags and others chose to make their own using glue and cutting white strips. We enjoyed, dancing to Scottish music and dressing up in tartan skirts and hats.  We ate a yummy Scottish snack of Scottish oatcakes and Scottish shortbread with our fruit.  We plan to revisit this topic and learn more about Scotland after the Christmas holidays (Christmas has taken over in nursery!).

HWB 0-35a   RME0 0-06a  EXA 0-05a  EXA 0-10a

Happy Easter from everyone at BEYC

It was nice to end our term with some lovely Spring weather and have our Easter egg hunt outside in the garden.

The staff at Bathgate Early Years Centre would like to wish all our children and families a happy Easter holiday.  We look forward to seeing you  all again and welcoming our new children and families in the Summer term.

Returning children start back nursery on Monday 20th April.

RME 0-01a      RME 0-06a

Stay Play and Learn

Thank you to all who got involved and supported the children’s learning at Stay, Play and Learn this month.  Have a look at the gallery to see what a fun, busy week we had…..

Chinese New Year Celebrations

The children have been learning about Chinese  New Year over the last few weeks at nursery and wraparound through a variety of multi-sensory activities. We think everyone will agree tasting Chinese food for a special group snack was the most enjoyable experience!

The wraparound children worked extremely hard to plan and create a fabulous Chinese dragon.  They searched the internet to learn about Chinese dragon dances and put on a super show while we ate our noodles and prawn crackers!

Have  a look at our photos to find out what else we have been doing to learn about  Chinese New Year and celebrate the year of the Sheep ………


HWB 0-10a   HWB 0-13a HWB 0-19a HWB 0-29a HWB 0-30a LIT 0-04a LIT 0-14a LIT 0-21b EXA 0-01a EXA 0-05a EXA 0-09a  SOC 0-15a RME 0-06a  SCN 0-12a






It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Bathgate Early Years Centre……

The boys and girls are practicing all the songs for this year’s Nativity ‘Jesus Christmas Party’.  We have 12 to learn! Hope you are practicing at home too!  It is lots of fun dressing up as Nativity characters and playing in our stable.  Rehearsals are now in full swing and we are looking forward to having our audiences watch us perform.

We have been busy decorating our Christmas tree and making decorations for our Christmas party house, dancing to Christmas music, reading Christmas stories, playing Christmas puzzles/games and playing with Santa and his reindeer in the sparkly sandpits.  We are also working hard in the art area to make a ‘surprise’ to take home to our families at the end of term (ssshhhh).

We are having ‘planning meetings’ to decide on what food, music and games we would like at our end of term Christmas parties.

Next week (Monday 8th December) we will be making our own Christmas cards and the nursery Christmas Post begins for one week.  Please remember to just bring one card for everyone at nursery as we are an Eco School.

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