We were very excited to have a visit from a nurse (Lily’s mum) in the afternoon. We discovered that a nurse is someone who cares for us and looks after us if we are poorly. We also found out about all the different jobs a nurse does in a busy hospital. We had lots of things to see and investigate including a stethoscope and a real cast. We had great fun trying this on and listening for each others heartbeat. Children shared their stories of when they have visited the doctors or spent some time in hospital. Lily’s mum kindly left us a few very interesting books to borrow which will help to further develop our learning and new vocabulary about our bodies and people who help us.
Thank you very much to Lily’s mum for this fun, educational, hands on experience!
If any parents/family members would to come in and chat with the children about your job/role in the community please speak to any of the nursery staff. We would be delighted to learn from you!
HWB 0-15a HWB 0-45a LIT 0-04a LIT 0-010a SOC 0-16a
On Tuesday morning the Wraparound children from Bathgate Early Years Centre put on their santa hats and walked to Acerdale House to sing Christmas songs to the ladies and gentlemen at the centre, on Mid Street. This was a fantastic opportunity for the children to renew friendships with our senior residents of Bathgate and the enthusiasts singing was enjoyed by all!
Here they are pictured with Caitlin McKay, Work Experience student.
EXA 0-01a