Story Sacks Coming Soon!

Story sacks will be launching on Thursday 1st February for all ante pre school children. (Big Bed Time Read is fro Pre school children.)  Come and have a look at the Story Sack on display in the foyer to discover what can be inside a story sack!  Each week a different group will take it in turns to choose a Story Sack on a Thursday and bring it back on a Monday.  There is a comments book inside each sack and we would love to hear your feedback.

Our Story App Update

In November we shared a Blog post about an exciting new literacy app we are beginning to use in nursery called ‘Our Story’.  We would like to share the digital books children have been making in nursery to develop key vocabulary of the Nativity story.    The digital books can be opened on Ipads that have the ‘Our Story’ app downloaded. Once you download the link you click on the up arrow at the top right of the screen to ‘open in’ and you then select ‘Copy to Our Story’.

We have also attached PDF copies  of the digital books to this post which can be opened on any device to revisit learning at home.

However we will need to send  individual emails to those who want to access the digital book files  to download the stories directly into the app.  Please let  Miss Wilkinson know if you would like to access them by emailing her so she can forward the digital books onto you.            

Please see the information below from the Blog below from 17.11.17 post for more information.

Try at Home Literacy Ipad App. 

Friday, November 17th, 2017

We are beginning to use a fun literacy Ipad app called Our Story to help develop language skills through creating digital books and we would like to share our digital ‘Our Stories’ with you at home.  The digital books will aim to help develop vocabulary by focusing on key words from children’s topics of interest.  Children will take photos, video clips, record their voices and be supported in tying the text in order to create their digital book.

“The stories that you create can be sent to another iPad which has the Our Story app installed.  This will be exactly the same story as the one you created.  The person who receives this story can then view it and if they want can edit the story, and even send it back to you.  For those who do not have an iPad you can send them a PDF file (i.e. pictures and text but no sound) which can be viewed or printed.   We provide a range of printing options which include the possibility  of creating small booklets.”

The App is a free download 

If you would like support in using this app please see Miss Wilkinson or Miss Kelly.

Our Story Website:


Box Clever. Week 1. Naming.

Box Clever. Week 2. Describing.

Box Clever. Week 3. Actions.

Nativity Performances 2017

Fantastic effort boys and girls! The nursery staff are so proud of you all.


Morning Nativity 2017


Afternoon Nativity 2017




Introducing Box Clever – Vocabulary Building.


We are helping children to acquire new vocabulary through an innovation called ‘Box Clever’.

It has been developed by speech and language therapists and aims to help children store new vocabulary systematically.  It aims to increase the way children access newly learned vocabulary in general communication, through play scenarios.  Box Clever focuses on nouns, then adjectives, then verbs and then moves onto using the new vocabulary in play and general every day interactions.

Our first Box Clever topic is ‘Nativity’.  Children are handling the Nativity characters and relevant objects through play and at group times.  Vocabulary is reinforced throughout the nursery.

20-25/11/7  Week 1. Naming words.

27/11-1/12/17  Week 2. Describing words.

4—8/12/17 Week 3.  Doing words/actions.

11-15/12/17.  Week 4. Sequencing, retelling stories.


Please look on the ‘Try at Home’ table for a leaflet of the words we are focusing on each week.

We are on week 2 from today, describing words.

A digital book will accompany each weeks words, made by the children using the Our Story App.  Please see Blog post from 17/11/17 for more information. Our Story Blog Post

Week 1 words.


Week 2 words.

Our Story printable books and links to Our Story digital books (you must download app to access) coming soon.

Please leave a comment below or on the Twitter page where this post is duplicated and let us know how the ‘Try at Home’ is going.




Letters to Santa!


We know it is a little early but children have already been discussing what they would like from Santa and looking at catalogues, choosing what they would like to ask for for Christmas.

We asked the children how they could let Santa Claus know what they would like and we agreed writing letters would be a good idea.

We are writing letters to Santa in nursery and posting them in our post box we made at the art area.

Do you know Santa’s address?   It is

Santa/Father Christmas,
Santa’s Grotto,

Please look on the Royal Mail Letters to Santa website for more information, the cut off date for posting Santa a letter is Friday 8th December.

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