Shoebox Appeal

Thank you for your donations of empty shoeboxes with lids so far. More boxes are welcome too. Please them put on the table in the foyer.
We are now starting to collect our items to eventually put in our boxes. These items need to be suitable for a boy or girl aged 2 to 4 years.

Please take a look at the poster and photos below to see what items are suitable to send.

New term updates 2019/20

Welcome to Bathgate Early Years Centre, we have had a busy week welcoming our returning children back and getting to know our new children and families. We thank everyone for their patience during the few busy days.

We would like to send a big congratulations to Mrs Frame on the arrival of beautiful baby Alex during the summer holidays.

Please note any changes to our staffing and groups:
Margaret Johns: Head Teacher
Katy Leamy: Depute Head Teacher
Mrs Todd: Administrative Assistant
Mrs Ola : Orange Group
Miss Kelly: Pink Group
Miss Heenan: Blue Group
Miss Collins: Red Group
Miss Toner: Yellow Group
Mrs Hendry: Green Group
Miss Aimes: Purple Group
Margaret: Pupil support worker
Mrs Murray: Pupil support worker
Miss Fowler: Pupil support worker


Please see Mrs Todd for snack payments:
£1.50 Weekly
£25.50 block payment until 20/12/19


Parent Council AGM 
Balbardie Primary School has invited all parents who wish to attend the annual Parent Council AGM meeting to represent BEYC to attend this Thursday 29th at 7pm held at Balbardie Primary School.

Gentle reminders 

  • Please do not pull the main outside door. Although slow this door is automatic and will open once staff have released it.
  • Please ensure all clothing, shoes, bags and lunch boxes are clearly labeled with the child’s names.
  • If your child has any changes to their medical needs or dietary requirements it is essential that you let staff members know as soon as possible.
  • As the sun continues to shine please ensure your child attends nursery wearing sun cream as we offer outdoor play to all children during every session. (For children who attend nursery for full days please speak to staff regarding sun cream)
  • Follow us on Twitter @WLBEYC for regular updates.

Kind Regards,
Staff Team

Please check back for September 2019 Newsletter coming soon… 

As the term ends…

As the term ends the staff at BEYC would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our children and families for their support over the last year.

From getting to know everyone’s pets, introducing clay, loose parts and risky play, keeping ourselves safe online, Wrigley litter less Eco campaign, Superheros and exploring new life to name a few, the children have provided some amazing learning topics creating fantastic opportunities to challenge their curiosity and imagination. Each of our young learners continue to inspire staff with their positive attitudes to learning.

We wish all of our leavers the best as they move into the next stage of their education, Good Luck Boys and Girls.

Please take a look at the attached end of term updates…

End of term update 2019


2019 Garden Fete

Although there was little sunshine everyone still made our annual garden fete a huge success. We are thrilled to have made £292 this will help buy resources to continue to revamp our garden aiming to give children an environment which inspires curiosity, enquiry and investigation. If you would like to help maintain our Orchard please get in touch.
Please collect your garden gnome photos from the foyer at the end of the week.

Our Raffle table was very popular due to some fabulous prizes from local companies and small businesses. We love to use our local community at BEYC and are extremely grateful for their support at our garden fete. Thank you!

Please take a look at each of the links below to see some of the great products and services available… 


Fair Deal Valets:

Tropic by Kirsty:


Thistles Flowers Bathgate:

Images Face and Body:

Innoflate Livingston:

Hayley Makeup:
Please contact Mrs Murray for details.

Moving on Day 2019

You are invited to BEYC Preschool children’s Moving on Day.
Join us to celebrate your child’s achievements, receive their moving on certificate and sing some of their favourite songs learned over the past two years at BEYC.

Wednesday 19th June

10.15 (For AM Preschool)

2.30 (For PM Preschool)

Road Safety Week- Car Park reminder

Please could we remind all parents and carers there is to be absolutely no parking at anytime in the nursery grounds.  No cars should be entering the car park. This is to ensure the safety of our children.

Thank you for your support with this.

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