beatSCAD Bake Sale

Thank you to everyone who donated baking and raffle prizes for our recent fundraiser in nursery. We raised £242.69 for beatSCAD UK.
Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) is a condition that can cause heart attack, heart failure, cardiac arrest and can be fatal. SCAD can happen to anyone but mainly affects young, fit women with no risk factors for heart disease. There is no known cause and many patients are misdiagnosed, which can result in major damage to heart muscle.
Beat SCAD’s mission is to raise awareness, provide support and fund research. Find out more at Beat SCAD.

Food writer and Tv cook Sally Bee met our own Miss Heenan at a “Scad Survivors” conference last year and Sally sent us some of her own recipe books for the raffle.

Thank you for all your support.  Look out for details on our next bake sale in nursery for Bathgate Procession!

HWB 0-12a

Tasty Celebrations

We celebrated Chinese New Year by learning about the Chinese Zodiac animals on a Smartboard story, discussing the year of the monkey, recalling and sequencing the story with sequencing cards and watching dragon dance videos.  We tried hard to write Chinese numerals on whiteboards, very tricky!  We tasted a lovely all together snack of sweet and sour noodles,   stir fry vegetables and prawn crackers at group time.

Aidian D  “They are good, I’ve ate them all up.”
Rhys “I like when they are all tied up.”
Abbie and Corey  “Yummy.”

Kung Hei Fat Choi


The next day we enjoyed eating yummy pancakes on Shrove Tuesday for our snack, with lots of toppings to choose from.  We listened to Mr Wolfs pancakes story and laughed about the surprise ending! We practiced flipping our playdough pancakes and talked about or favourite toppings.

Zac “I had syrup on my pancakes, I poured it on”

Aidan “I had jam raspberry on, I had to spread it on with a spoon.”


On Wednesday we began making love heart biscuits to give to someone we love to celebrate Valentine ’s Day.  We learned about the story of St Valentine through a story on the Smartboard and made Valentine’s cards in the art area.     Once we baked our biscuits we decorated them with bright red icing and lots of sprinkles.

Please have a look at our photographs to see just how busy we have been!

HWB 0-29a  HWB 0-35a RME 0-04a

Rag Bag Recycling.

Thank you for all your recent donations of wearable clothing, paired shoes, handbags and belts for The Rag Bag Recycling Scheme and reinforcing the message that we use in nursery with the children; Reduce, reuse, recycle!

The Rag Bag Recycling Scheme was developed to raise awareness of Textile Recycling, help the environment and raise funds for schools.
Thank you for your support.

HWB 0-12a   HWB 0-13a

Burns Day Celebration

Over the past few weeks we have been using the Scotland Talking and Thinking Tub at group times to learn about Scotland and Scottish poems and songs, in particular poems by Robert Burns  and James Annand.  We have also  listened and danced to a variety of Scottish music and been practicing Murder In The Chip Shop.  On  Monday  25th of January the boys and girls had a very busy day celebrating Robert Burns day.  Children were provided with different materials such as cars, rulers and string to create their own tartan paintings.  At the end of our sessions we enjoyed a special Burns Supper with haggis, neeps and tatties.

   HWB 0-35a       HWB 0-29a       LIT 0-07a/LIT 0-16a/ENG 0-17a EXA 0-02a  EXA 0-05a EXA 0-16a

Outdoor Music Station

The boys and girls along with staff members worked together to plan how to develop our outdoor  music area.  We had  small planning meetings to discuss what objects we could find around nursery which could make the most noise/music – pots and pans were our favourite choice! We then used a pallet from St Mary’s Primary to fix our selected ‘instruments’ onto. Once we gathered all our noisy instruments we got wrapped and went into the garden to build our musical instrument station with Miss Kelly.  This was great fun.

HWB 0-19a      MTH0-16a      LIT- 0-04a      EXA 0-17a


Try at home – feed the birds

Please collect a pack from the ‘Try at home’ table in the foyer. Did you know you can also make a simple bird feeder using Cheerios?  Thread the Cheerios onto wool or string or a pipe cleaner and then hang outside in your garden.

We would love to find out how you get on? Perhaps you could take photographs and bring them into nursery to share with you friends?

(Or alternatively email Miss Wilkinson:

HWB 0-50a   LIT 0-14a   MNU 0-02a   MNU 0-11a

Continued community / home link learning

We were very excited to have a visit from a nurse (Lily’s mum) in the afternoon. We discovered that a nurse is someone who cares for us and looks after us if we are poorly.  We also found out about all the different jobs a nurse does in a busy hospital. We had lots of things to see and investigate including a stethoscope and a real cast. We had great fun trying this on and listening for each others heartbeat. Children shared their stories of when they have visited the doctors or spent some time in hospital. Lily’s mum kindly left us a few very interesting books to borrow which will help to further develop our learning and new vocabulary about our bodies and people who help us.

Thank you very much to Lily’s mum for this fun, educational, hands on experience!

If any parents/family members would to come in and chat with the children about your job/role in the community please speak to any of the nursery staff.  We would be delighted to learn from you!

HWB 0-15a   HWB 0-45a LIT 0-04a   LIT 0-010a   SOC 0-16a


On Tuesday morning the Wraparound children from Bathgate Early Years Centre put on their santa hats and walked to Acerdale House to sing Christmas songs to the ladies and gentlemen at the centre, on Mid Street.  This was a fantastic opportunity for the children to renew friendships with our senior residents of Bathgate and the enthusiasts singing was enjoyed by all!

Here they are pictured with Caitlin McKay, Work Experience student.

EXA 0-01a


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