Germ Busting at BEYC!

Please take time to read important information sent from public health today regarding Norovirus (Winter vomiting disease).




In nursery we are learning about the importance of washing our hands effectively to try to prevent the spread of germs.


  • Miss Heenan has been showing us how to use the ‘Light box germ spotter’ – Using UV hand scrub we can see how well we have washed our hands and see where bacteria may be lurking!
  • We are learning about the correct way to wash our hands to avoid spreading germs and have been discussing around the importance of hand washing.
  • We are learning this hand washing song too!

Poppy Scotland at Bathgate EYC

Earlier this month we learned about the important work of Poppy Scotland and why the nursery ladies and other people wear poppies at this time of the year.  We made paper poppies of our own by hand just like the volunteers used to at the Lady Haig Poppy Factory and we created lovely poppy collage pictures and poppy paintings to take home.  We had fun modelling poppies from play dough and using our poppy shaped cutters in our red and black play dough.   On the 10th (Afternoon group) and 11th (Morning group) of November the children went for a ‘Poppy Walk’ and planted poppy seeds in our nursery garden.  Thank you to Poppy Scotland for providing, seeds balloons, flags, and  age appropriate resource materials and thank you to everyone who bought a poppy on sale in nursery and supported The Scottish Poppy Appeal.

Children in Need 2016



Well done to all who took part!  Even the children who were too unwell to attend nursery but took part at home 🙂

Here we are dancing along with Pudsey Bear to our tidy up song at the end of the morning.


Harvest Learning Story so far……..

Last month in nursery in both morning and afternoon sessions, children observed apples falling from the apple trees in the orchard……  produce in the orchard and greenhouse was ready to harvest…… In small groups children visit the orchard to  look, touch, smell and water the fruit trees/plants and vegetables…….. There was lots of interest in ‘The Giant Turnip’ story and ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ story.

Have a look at our Harvest Learning Story to find out where the children’s interest and ideas have taken us………





Bathgate Music Festival

To collaborate with the Bathgate Music Festival the children took part in an interactive musical workshop “Traditional Tunes for Tiny People” We had great fun listening to musicians Tina and Kristen play the violin and piano to help us travel to ‘Music Beach’ 

Goodbye Butterflies

We have now said goodbye to most of our butterflies that we have looked after ever since they arrived as tiny little caterpillars in the post!   Over the last few weeks we have observed them growing and changing (metamorphosis) and building their own cocoons where they hid away for just over a week.   It was a very exciting time to watch them hatch from their cocoons as beautiful butterflies.  Please come into nursery and look at our learning stories to learn more.    Our Butterfly Garden School Kit came from Insect Lore .




The Blue group would like to say a special thank you to butterfly expert Emma Johnston from Butterfly Conservation Scotland.  Emma very kindly took the time to answer the email we sent with all our very important questions to help extend our learning.  Thank you Emma!

Children’s Questions


Tesco visit

Last week some children from the morning and afternoon group went on an adventure to Tesco, when they were shown around by Tracey the Community Champion.
The children visited the bakery where they saw the equipment and ingredients that are used to make bread and rolls and they tasted different types of bread while listening to the story of The Little Red Hen. They explored the fruit and veg aisle were they found out how the fruit and veg grows through different games and everyone had the opportunity to taste different fruits too. They also had the opportunity to smell and touch various produce at the fish counter. They also visited the store room, fridge and freezer where it was – 20! Brrrrr!  Tracey kindly gave each child a pack to take home which included a Farm to Fork certificate.

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