Sing-A-Long 2017 Song Booklet

BEYC Sing-a-long 2017

This year’s Nativity story is  ‘The Sleepy Shepherd’ by Niki Davies.  In December, children will dress up as the characters and perform a Nativity sing-a-long for parents/carers and grandparents.  This booklet contains the words to the songs and if you search for ‘The Sleepy Shepherd’ on YouTube it will help you to learn the tunes to practice at home.



Children in Need at BEYC

Thank you to everyone who helped raise money for Children in Need 2017 by coming to nursery in something spotty and donating to the charity.  Together we raised a fantastic £107.31.

Look out for Bathgate Early Years Centre getting a mention along the bottom of the screen tonight on the show (Friday 17th November at 7:30pm on BBC 1)

Christmas Fair Reminder

Mrs McKay and the busy parent/carer helpers have been working on lovely crafts and tasty treats for the Christmas Fair. The Christmas Fair is taking place on Thurdsday 30th November from 2-4pm.  If you would like to pop along and help with some of the crafts come and see Mrs McKay on Wednesdays at the parent/carer area in the foyer.

Poppy Scotland SWAY


We would like to share our learning near and far and encourage readers to come to our blog. Please don’t share pictures and videos from our blog but instead share the link or the QR code to our blog and bring your friends and family to us. 

Fun with Slime…

This week children have been exploring different textures making slime we have found a recipe that works really well… We have been pulling, stretching, cutting, smelling,  rolling and squishing it!

Busy days at BEYC

We would like to share our learning near and far and encourage readers to come to our blog. Please don’t share pictures and videos from our blog but instead share a link to our blog and bring your friends and family to us.

Tool bench safety Sway

We would like to share our learning near and far and encourage readers to come to our blog. Please don’t share pictures and videos from our blog but instead share a link to our blog and bring your friends and family to us.

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