Hello everyone 🙂
We have Thursday today, how are you? 🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂  🙂
Our little friend Harry would like to share with you a great syllable game ,to which he would also like to invite you to play  🙂
Please see how to play see the photo below 🙂
Now is time to see  what Harry found ……..
Harry found 6 different items such as :  soup tin  , calculator , egg, battery ,    tulip, candle
  egg 1 syllable
   tu -lip   2 syllables
    bat-ter- y  3 syllables
  cal-cu-la-tor  4 syllables
Well done Harry great job !!!
And what do you think will find which has 1, 2,3,4, syllables. We can’t wait for your finds. Please share photos ,videos with your nursery friends 🙂
Good luck everyone !!! 🙂