Guess Who?
So many of us have lots of fabulous photographs of loved ones stored on our digital devices but when was the last time you looked through old photos or even brought the photo albums out? Over the next week your challenge is to spend time with your family and children playing Guess Who while looking at your family photographs? Who would’ve thought mummy or daddy were tiny babies!
Head over to our twitter page to see the nursery ladies joining in, can you Guess Who from our photographs?
Spending time looking at old photos can inspire curiosity and creativity, what was in fashion then, what was the most popular toy, what did digital technology look like then? Can you create a scrap book or time capsule using current photos and belongings to remember this time in the future? Could you use digital technology to call/face time a relative to tell them about the photographs you have found?
Harry the Hedgehog was suprised to see his baby photo!
Can you guess the ladies below?