2019 Garden Fete

Although there was little sunshine everyone still made our annual garden fete a huge success. We are thrilled to have made £292 this will help buy resources to continue to revamp our garden aiming to give children an environment which inspires curiosity, enquiry and investigation. If you would like to help maintain our Orchard please get in touch.
Please collect your garden gnome photos from the foyer at the end of the week.

Our Raffle table was very popular due to some fabulous prizes from local companies and small businesses. We love to use our local community at BEYC and are extremely grateful for their support at our garden fete. Thank you!

Please take a look at each of the links below to see some of the great products and services available… 


Fair Deal Valets:

Tropic by Kirsty:


Thistles Flowers Bathgate:

Images Face and Body:

Innoflate Livingston:

Hayley Makeup:
Please contact Mrs Murray for details.

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