BATHGATE EARLY YEARS CENTRE – Head Teacher Appointment
Friday 20th April 2018
Dear Parents/ Carers,
As you know from our previous letter Bathgate Early Years is going to come under the Headship of Balbardie Primary School from August 2018. I am delighted to say that Margaret Johns has just been appointed as the new Head Teacher of Balbardie Primary School, Bathgate Early Years Centre and Bathgate West Nursery from August 2018. Margaret has been a very well respected member of the West Lothian education community for many years and has recently been working as an Education Officer in the authority.
I met with Margaret yesterday; she is very much looking forward to her new role and getting to know our Bathgate community. As we said earlier l will continue in the role of Depute Head Teacher (acting) and continue to be responsible for Bathgate Early Years Centre.
Kind regards
Katy Leamy
Head Teacher (acting)