We are glad to hear some of our families found the free copies of the Vodafone Digital Parenting magazine helpful and have been exploring topics such as Cyber Bullying, Digital Life Skills and Digital Resilience. The feedback has been very positive. Please take a look at Parent Zone’s reports ‘Ordinary Magic for The Digital Age’ if you would like more information and ‘Parenting in the Digital Age: How are we doing?’ for some top tips. Some key quotes that jumped out at us are:
“To keep children safe in the modern world, we must build their digital resilience.”
“Children need to be able to recognise problems, such as bullying or grooming, and feel confident about confiding in their parents or other trusted adults. They need to be able to take age-appropriate risks online so they can learn how to navigate the digital world, with all of its challenges.”
“Attempting to keep them from it ‘until they are old enough’ or hoping at some point there will be a legal or technical fix to all of the problems of the internet is naïve. It’s no more realistic than imagining we can make the offline world safe for all children at all times. What’s vital is that we do everything we can to raise children’s levels of digital resilience but to do that we need to understand what we mean by it and make sure that our collective efforts are contributing to it.”