The new boys and girls are learning how to safely use the fire pit at nursery this week and returning children are refreshing their knowledge of the safety procedures. Please have a look at the link below for a step by step video, recorded on the GoPro at the beginning of this year to share how we safely use the fire pit.
This term we are focusing on how to safely make and put out fire and how to cook toast a marshmallow/piece of bread or cheese on a stick.
Next term we will learn how to cook banana splits and damper bread safely on the fire pit.
If you have any tried and tested fire pit recipes (meat free please) please share them with the nursery staff or alternatively send an email to
Here is a short clip of how we safely toast the marshmallows once the fire is lit.
Once we have all had a turn to toast a marshmallow we have got to put the fire out to make the area safe.
Come back soon to have a look at our fire pit safety book. We are just about finished making it!
We would like to share our learning near and far and encourage readers to come to our blog. Please don’t share pictures and videos from our blog but instead share a link to our blog and bring your friends and family to us.