Fairtrade Fortnight


Fairtrade Fortnight takes place from 27th February-12th March 2017.  We have been talking about this in nursery and how farmers around the world deserve a fair price for the hard work they do and that Fairtrade products help ensure this happens.  This will mean the farmers and their children won’t go hungry, can go to school, can pay for medical care if needed and also have better living conditions.  We have started to look out for the Fairtrade logo on our products at snack and baking as well as at the art and craft area. If you are out and about shopping and buy a Fairtrade product please bring in 1 wrapper/package with a note where you bought it to help add to our Fairtrade nursery activities. (eg.coffee, tea, bananas, chocolate, bubble bath.) Please also look out for our Fairtrade raffle on Wednesday 8th March! (supported by Scotmid,Tesco and Morrisons)  Proceeds from this raffle will go to Comic Relief.  If you wish, please bring your child to nursery with a different hair do on Wednesday 22nd March for Comic Relief when we also be  selling red noses.          Thank you for your support.


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