The nursery children have enjoyed making and tasting pizzas this week for snack. When discussing the types of pizza that they like to eat, during writing a shopping list for the following weeks snack, the children discovered that they liked different/similar toppings on their pizzas. They decided they should make their own pizzas for snack, so then had a discussion to decide on which toppings they would like to order. The boys and girls worked well together in small groups to create delicious vegetarian, chicken and pepperoni pizzas. Lots of collaboration, cooperation, compromising and problem solving took place to ensure everyone was in agreement and happy about the choice of topping on each pizza…….
HWB 0-14a HWB 0-19a HWB 0-23a HWB 0-35a LIT 0-02a/ENG 0-03a MNU 0-11a