We have enjoyed learning all about Space and the Solar System this term. Our house corner transformed into a ‘space station’, we have been investigating ‘space goo’ and we were also lucky enough to be at nursery during a solar eclipse!
On the 24th of March the afternoon group took part in a Glow meet (video conferencing) with a real astronaut. Over 100 schools from all over Scotland took part to ask Commander Chris Hadfield questions about his time as a commander of the International Space Station and his two shuttle missions in space. We were extremely lucky to be selected to ask a question live on the webcam in front of all the other schools. We all sat at the Smartboard (some of us dressed up in astronaut costumes!) to listen to Commander Hadfield, who called all the way from Mexico. Our very important question was “Are there aliens in Space?” by Ava aged 3. Ruby aged 3, very bravely stepped up to the webcam and asked the question on behalf on the nursery.
Thanks again to Jennifer McDougall form Education Scotland who organized another fantastic Glow meet.
HWB 0-12a HWB 0-19a LIT 0-04a LIT 0-14a LIT 0-26a EXA 0-14a SCN 0-06a TCH 0-01a TCH 0-04a