We recently celebrated Fairtrade Fortnight in nursery. A small group of children enjoyed a visit to Scotmid to search for Fairtrade items in the store. We used our vouchers that were kindly donated by Scotmid to buy Fairtrade bananas to use for snack as well as buying Fairtade ingredients to use for baking and smoothies and to make banana splits on our firepit. We also bought a selection of Fairtrade products for prizes for our Fairtrade raffle for parents and staff. Tom the Manager was very helpful and spoke to the children about Fairtrade and shared Fairtrade chocolate and bananas with them.
Thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets. Proceeds will go to Comic Relief. Thanks also to everyone who took part in our Fairtrade competition. We collected lots of Fairtrade packaging which we used in our Fairtrade cafe and shop and also in our art and craft area.
Well done to everyone who dressed in red, wore a ‘funny face’ red nose and donated to Comic Relief 2015. The total amount raised this year was £73.
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