Stirling, SQA and SSERC CPD Supporting Science Improvements

Catherine Kerr Faculty Leader Science

My recent CPD activities have included starting an MSc in Leadership at Stirling University, attending SQA workshops for national qualifications, attending the Secondary Science Education Research Centre and becoming a writer for a Biology eTextbook. In addition to this I am completing a course in Coaching & Mentoring and trialling the online Edmodo resource with my Higher classes. This invaluable professional learning journey has had a positive impact not only on my own practice but also on colleagues and pupils within my faculty.

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Diabetes Workshop

Helen Powley, P.E. Department

This was a very informative CPD experience. We have many pupils in the school who have diabetes and we must be aware of their needs. The CPD went through the two differnt types of diabetes and how these can be controlled. Examples of the different pieces of equipment were there for staff to look at and try! The main message I took form the session was that it  is important for staff, parents and medical staff to work together to ensure the wellbeing of the pupil. NHS staff were keen to point out that staff and parents must contact them if they need support. There are a huge number of pupils in the lothian who have diabetes and few nurses, so if support is required we must ask.

If pupils are going away on a school trip I recommend that a meeting set up with parents, and if required NHS staff to ensure that the correct plan and resources are in place for the duration of a trip. For example, medication may need to be changed for a sports activity trip. Continue reading Diabetes Workshop

SSERC Physics Residential

Gillian Lucas Physics/Science Department

I attended the SSERC physics residential in September where I was given a wide range of FREE materials including a flip cam, race car sets with ramps and cars, a DIY radio and a wide variety of optics equipment. I was also taught how to use a variety of software including Tracker and Windows Movie Maker. I am going back to SSERC soon to give a presentation on how I have used my freebies as well as the knowledge I gained to enhance the learning experience of my physics classes.

Continue reading SSERC Physics Residential