This week in P2…
We have been learning:
- to write about what we can see in a picture
- to sing a new song called ‘Hey You’
- about the sounds ‘th’, ‘ch’, ‘sh’ and ‘ng’
School Pick Up/Drop Off
Please be considerate of school neighbours when dropping off or picking up children. We have had some complaints about inconsiderate parking and people either dropping rubbish or using people’s bins – at times contaminating their recycling, resulting in bins not being emptied or fines being received.
We ask that you do not park in residents parking areas, especially disabled parking bays. The school car parks should not be used as drop-off spaces and are not for parent parking, as this can cause a danger to children and others using these areas. Please also take any rubbish home with you to dispose of.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Flu Vaccine – szczepionka przeciwko grypie
Drodzy rodzice i opiekunowie ,
Obecnie w każdej szkole oferowana jest szczepionka przeciwko grypie. Uczniowie otrzymali listy, które należy wypełnić i oddać jak najszybciej do szkoły jeśli wyrażają Państwo zgodę na szczepienie. Ze swojej strony oferuję pomoc w razie jakichkolwiek pytań i problemów z wypełnieniem formularza. Jestem dostępna w szkole każdego dnia od Poniedziałku do Czwartku od godziny 2.00 po południu.
Nina Szostak
Dear Parent/Carer,
School photographs should be ordered and paid for by September the 7th. Class group photographs will be taken on Friday the 31st of August. Please ensure pupils are in full school uniform including shirt and tie for these photographs.
The dining room staff have informed me of a number of pupils bringing Nutella and peanut products for snack and lunch. We have pupils with peanut allergies and cannot have products containing nuts in school. Thank you for your co-operation.
Mrs Burns
This week in P2…
We have been learning:
- about sharing and caring for our new classmates
- to make handprints (and not make a mess)
- about the holiday fun our friends had
- to count a selection of animals
- to share facts about ourself
Welcome Back
Dear Parent/Carer,
we are looking forward to the start of a new school year, especially for our new Primary 1 children and our new Nursery children.
Pupils should line up in the playground at the same place they were in last term. Primary 1 pupils should line up in the yard next to the Primary 2 s. Class teachers will collect the children and take them in to the classroom. Parents/carers are invited to come into the classroom at 2.55 pm to see their child in their classroom and take photos.
The class structure for this session is:
P1 Mrs Cree
P1/2 Mrs Warner
P2 Mr Benyon
P3 Miss Graham
P3/4 Mrs Strain
P4 Mr Neale
P5 Mrs Wards
P6 Miss Murphy
P7/6 Miss Mc Cullagh
P7 Miss Duffy
SFL Mrs Mooney
Thank you from Miss McLachlan
I just wanted to thank you all for your kindness and generosity on Friday. I was so touched; I will treasure my memory book and all of my gifts. Thank you so much for thinking of me.
It has been a privilege and a joy to teach your children. They are very special to me and always will be; I will miss them terribly. I will be back to visit though!
I will look back fondly on my time at St. Joseph’s and remember how lucky I was to have such a wonderful class. Thank you for all your support and encouragement.
I hope you all have a lovely summer.
Love from,
Miss McLachlan