Come on Scotland!
Come on Scotland!
We have been:
We have been learning:
We have been:
Another super busy week in P1 with lots of fun learning!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Miss McCullagh
A reminder for the parents of the children making their First Holy Communion on Saturday, 5th of June 2021.
We ask that children arrive at the Parish Centre, no later than 30 minutes before the start of the Service. Children only, will be permitted into the Parish Centre where they will have individual photographs taken. They will then process from the Centre to the Church (weather permitting). Parents should make their way to the Church and to their allocated family pew, which will be clearly labelled.
When receiving the Eucharist, the children will approach the Altar individually then return to their seats.
Family members will receive the Eucharist after the final blessing then exit the church following the one way system. In doing so we ask that you adhere strictly to the guidance and maintain 2M distance at all times.
Families will not be able to return to the Church for photographs as cleaning and preparations will be underway for the next Mass.
As the restrictions continue, sadly we will not be able to follow traditions and have a celebratory tea in the hall this year. Children are free to leave after the Mass.
Thank you for your continued support, patience and understanding. We look forward to working together to make it a memorable day for all.
Mrs Mooney
We have been learning:
Active Schools and Community Sport are delighted to announce that we will now be using Facebook and Instagram as an additional communication tool from Tuesday 1st June
Their new accounts are under the name of Active West Lothian on Facebook and activewestlothian on Instagram.
After having Twitter for a number of years, we are all excited at having the opportunity to use Facebook and Instagram to promote our projects, programmes, extra-curricular & sports club opportunities, and much more to a wider audience.
The Facebook and Instagram accounts will be posting regular content and is going to be the best way for parents to engage with Active Schools Coordinators across West Lothian and to find out about opportunities for their child/children.
🚨#ActiveWestLothian is now LIVE🚨
💬Would you like to👀&👂more about #ActiveSchools & #CommunitySport Projects & Programmes in @LoveWestLothian ?
❓If so then please follow us via the links below
We have been learning: