Organizacja placów zabaw dla niemowląt od czwartku 9 września 2020 r

Dzień dobry.

Proszę zwrócić uwagę na ustalenia dotyczące porannego transportu powrotnego.

Plac zabaw został podzielony na 3 części; czerwony, niebieski i zielony. Prosimy o skierowanie dziecka / dzieci do tych stref w godzinach porannych. Personel szkoły będzie dostępny na placu zabaw, aby kierować i pomagać.

Primary 1, Miss Mc Cullagh, Blue Zone

Primary 2/1, Mrs Warner, Red Zone

Primary 2, Mr Benyon, Green Zone

Z góry dziękujemy za nieustające wsparcie.

Oddział dla niemowląt

Infant Playground Arrangements from Thursday 9th September 2020

Good afternoon.


Please note the arrangements for morning drop off.

The playground has been zoned off into 3 sections; red, blue and green.  We ask that you direct your child/children to these zones at morning drop off.   School staff will be available in the playground to direct and assist.


Primary 1, Miss Mc Cullagh, Blue Zone

Primary 2/1, Mrs Warner, Red Zone

Primary 2, Mr Benyon, Green Zone 


We thank you in advance, for your continued support.

The Infant Department


Good afternoon.

Weather permitting, PE will continue to take place outdoors. On PE days children should come to school in their PE Kit.   They should wear their, school polo shirt, school sweatshirt, dark coloured joggers/leggings and trainers as there will be no facility for changing.

PE days are as follows:

P1 Monday /Thursday

P2 Monday/Wednesday

P2/1 Monday/ Thursday

P3 Wednesday/Thursday

P4/3 Tuesday/Thursday

P4 Tuesday/Thursday

P5 Monday/Thursday

P5M Monday/Thursday

P6 Monday/Wednesday

P7 Thursday



First Week

Good afternoon.

Now that we have all completed our first week back at school, it is great to be able to say it has been a huge success.  The children have settled well in their new classes and routines.  The school is buzzing with a hive of activity, in class and in the playground.  We are all very excited about the great things we are going to achieve in the new school year.

We thank you for your perseverance and patience at this time.

Have a fantastic weekend.

St. Joseph’s, school staff.

Primary 1, Primary 2/1 and Primary 2 Updated Dismissal Arrangements.

Good evening.

Dear parents/carers.

We would like to thank you for your cooperation, as we implement the staggered end to the school day for the children of our  infant department.  We appreciate it takes more time than usual. However, it is an essential requirement to ensure the safety of all.  As such, we would like to remind parents/carers of the arrangements for dismissal.

The children will be dismissed in the following order;

P2- Mr Benyon, followed by P1- Miss McCullagh and finally, P2/1- Mrs Warner.  Please stand back from the allocated dismissal zone until it is your child’s turn to be collected. Staff will inform you when it is your turn to move forward and collect your child.

There will be a clearly marked waiting area, located on the grass, at the Zebra crossing, in front of the large gates, leading to the top staff car park.   We ask that you adhere to physical distancing requirements around the school building.

Signage will be in place to remind parents of the arrangements and staff will be available to assist.

Thank you for your continued support at this time.

School Staff


Good afternoon,

Thank you for your patience in receiving this information.

We take this opportunity to express our delight in welcoming our children back to the nursery, on, Wednesday, 12th of August. We appreciate that some of our children may feel a little anxious about doing so, especially with the current climate. Therefore, the health and well being of all children will be at the heart of all we do moving forward.

Having been away from the nursery for an extended period, we recognise that some children may need additional time and support to re-adjust to the nursery environment. We expect our new starts will require significant time, to familiarise themselves with their new setting, this is all very normal. Rest assured, your child will be fully supported by the nursery staff.

The safety and the health and wellbeing of children and staff is our key priority. At all times, we will adhere strictly to the advice from the Scottish Government and WL Council to ensure everyone is safe and well, as we implement the arrangements for a safe return.

Drop off and Pick up

Drop off and pick up arrangements will be different when we return. We will continue to use the entrance on the footpath that runs along the side of the infant playground, where clear signage will be in place to direct parents. We ask that only one adult accompanies your child to and from the nursery. There will be a familiar member of staff waiting at the gate to welcome your child into the nursery, within the outdoor area. Please ensure your child has dressed appropriately for the weather. The adult will then assist your child, helping them with personal belongings. We regret that at this time, adults are not able to enter the nursery building. If staff needs to invite parents into the building, hand sanitiser will be available at entry/exit zones for general use. Provisions will be in place to ensure physical distancing and infection control measures are maintained.


Key Groups

The staff team has developed three key groups of children and wherever possible, have placed children with their friends. Children will remain in these groups during their time at nursery with their designated Key Worker. The staff will continue to review the groups and in consultation with parents, make changes if necessary, to address the needs of your child. We know that for some of our children, this is their first time in the nursery so; additional staff members will be present to support our new starts in their new environment.

Risk Assessment

A risk assessment has been carried out and appropriate action has been taken to ensure robust procedures are in place within the nursery setting allowing for a safe return. Over the summer period, it has been cleaned using electrostatic spray and staff will continue with regular cleaning of frequently touched surfaces throughout the nursery day. This essential requirement will not impact on your child’s learning experiences. Children will also wash their hands on arrival at the nursery which they will repeat regularly during the session, being encouraged to do so, using social stories, videos and songs.

Contact with Parents

Following the Scottish Government and WL Council guidelines, we are confident that the arrangements being put in place for our return to the nursery will ensure a smooth transition and the safety of all.

We are committed to offering our full support to parents and have made arrangements to contact parents directly, on, Monday, 10th of August 2020, to discuss your child’s return, medical information and inform you of your child’s key worker. Please be advised that the call is likely to be made from a private or unknown number.

Further information on the full detailed plan for our return, including all the specific arrangements will be published on, Monday 10th of August 2020.

We know that not all parents, especially those of our new children, may not be aware of our school Blog or may not visit it regularly. For that reason, we would ask that you share these details with others who would benefit from knowing the arrangements.

Please enjoy the last few days of the holiday, stay safe and well and we look forward to welcoming you all very soon.


The Nursery Team.

BLOG POST Word Document


Primary 1- Friday 26th June 2020

Happy Friday Primary 1!

I can’t believe it is the Summer holidays already! I am feeling very sad that we are not all together to say goodbye but I will see you all again in August when you are in Primary 2!

I have loved being your Primary 1 teacher, we have had so much fun and I am so proud of you all with the fantastic achievements you have made in your first year at St Joseph’s!

I hope you all have an amazing summer with your families and I am already looking forward to seeing you all in August!

Have fun, take care and I am missing you all!

Happy Holidays!

Miss McCullagh

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