Galaday Selection.

Confirmation of the Galaday Pageant Characters has been finalised today by the Galaday Committee.  If your child has been selected, they will have documents home with them in their school bag today.

There is a meeting arranged for tomorrow, 25th of November 2021 in, Whitburn Juniors Football Club.  All details are contained within the documents that were given to your child today.


Mrs Mooney


P7 Information Evening

The meeting for the parents of the children receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this year, scheduled for Wednesday, 24th of November at, 7.00pm in St Joseph’s Church, has been rearranged for Thursday, 25th November at, 7.00pm.

The meeting originally fell on the same evening as the P7 virtual information evening for those children transitioning to St Kent’s, which will take place, online, between 5.30pm and 6.30pm.  Please see the attached flyer.

P7 Virtual Information Evening (1)


Thank you for your understanding

October Update

A huge welcome back after our mid-term break. We hope to continue the hard work and success we have had since the start of term.   The children have settled well into their new routines and are making great progress.

We welcome also, our new members of staff, Mr Paton-Day, P5 and Miss Coleman, P3/2.  We are sure they will enjoy their time here in St. Joseph’s.

During the October holidays, Miss Duffy was married during a beautiful ceremony, surrounded by family and friends.  She returns, as the new Mrs Fraser.  We wish her and her husband well.

We would like to congratulate, Mrs Thomson and her family on the birth of her new baby boy, Riley.  Mum and baby are doing well!

We would like to thank you for the positive response to Parental consultations, your support is very much appreciated.


During this term, extracurricular clubs will commence.  Further details of what is on offer will follow, once the details have been confirmed.

Dates for your diary have been attached and we are hopeful that further Christmas celebrations will take place.  However, this is dependent on the Covid-19 mitigations that are constantly under review.

As always, the school is supporting the West Lothian Foodbank this year.  A list of requested items is attached. The final day for donations is 12th November 2021.

Diary Dates

foodbank appeal letter (1)


Mrs. Mooney


Good afternoon.

We have had a fantastic start to our new school session with children settling in well.  It has been wonderful seeing them in their St. Joseph’s uniform and we are keen to encourage the children to continue to do so.

As mitigations continue to stipulate that children are unable to change clothes for PE, we would ask where possible, that your child/children come to school with their PE kits on under their uniform.

Also, please ensure all items of clothing and belongings are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

From Monday, August 23rd, PE will be on the following days.

P1- Miss Mc Cullagh: Tuesday and Thursday

P2/1 Mrs Warner: Tuesday and Thursday

P3/2 Miss Coleman:  Monday and Tuesday

P3 Mr Neale: Tuesday and Wednesday

P4 Mrs Strain: Wednesday and Thursday

P5/4 Miss Graham: Monday and Thursday

P5 Mr Paton Day: Tuesday and Thursday

P6 Miss Duffy:  Tuesday and Wednesday

P6 Mr Kildae: Tuesday and Wednesday

P7 Miss Mc Closkey: Tuesday and Thursday

Mrs. Mooney

School Transport

Information from Passenger Transport Service 

The application process for free school transport for 2021/21 is now open.   Pupils going into P1, S1, S5 & S6 should apply while all other pupils passes should be retained for use in August.  If you have lost your pass please use the online application form to request a new one.  Full details, along with the application form can be found here.

If you have already applied you do not need to do so again. The closing date for applications is July 2nd  2021 and any applications received after this date will be worked on in order but are not guaranteed to be processed in time for the return to school.   Please note that the process for purchasing fare-paying tickets will be clarified at a later date and communication will be sent out as soon as this is agreed upon.

First Holy Communion Final Arrangements

A reminder for the parents of the children making their First Holy Communion on Saturday, 5th of June 2021.


We ask that children arrive at the Parish Centre, no later than 30 minutes before the start of the Service. Children only, will be permitted into the Parish Centre where they will have individual photographs taken. They will then process from the Centre to the Church (weather permitting). Parents should make their way to the Church and to their allocated family pew, which will be clearly labelled.

When receiving the Eucharist, the children will approach the Altar individually then return to their seats.

Family members will receive the Eucharist after the final blessing then exit the church following the one way system. In doing so we ask that you adhere strictly to the guidance and maintain 2M distance at all times.

Families will not be able to return to the Church for photographs as cleaning and preparations will be underway for the next Mass.

As the restrictions continue, sadly we will not be able to follow traditions and have a celebratory tea in the hall this year.  Children are free to leave after the Mass.

Thank you for your continued support, patience and understanding. We look forward to working together to make it a memorable day for all.

Mrs Mooney

Returning to School 15th March 2021

Good afternoon,
The time is fast approaching when we will have all our children back in school.
Staff are well prepared and eager to see them return safely.
It has been a long time since all the children have been together and it will take time for them to adjust to the routines and systems that are in place, in order to keep everyone safe.
With this in mind, we ask that parents/carers adhere to the requirements when you are in or around the school building, especially at pick up and drop off times.
  • Maintain a 2M distance from others
  • wear a face covering, unless medically exempt.
Concerns have been raised about the congestion on the path opposite the school at the end of the day, where parents/carers wait to collect their child/children.  To ease this, we ask that only one person, where possible, drops off/collects their child/children.  As much as we all like to meet socially and have a chat, please, after you have dropped off your child/children, move away from the surrounding area.  This will allow the natural flow of pedestrians away from the area and reduce crowds and congestion.
Also, a reminder that there are no parking facilities within the school grounds.  Parking in the lower car park is for staff and blue badge holders only.
We appreciate your understanding, patience and co-operation during this difficult time.
Thank you,
St Joseph’s Staff Team
Have a lovely weekend😀

World Book Day

Good afternoon,

Everyone is excited about our upcoming World Book Day 2021 celebrations on, Thursday 4th March.  Children across primaries 1-3 were given book tokens, that they can use to purchase a book at £1 online or at participating retailers.  Alternatively, they can use it as part payment towards the cost of a more expensive book of their choice.

Full details are available online at,

Also, here are links to find your nearest participating store,

Finally, a link to the selection of £1 books available this year.

Attached is a digital copy of the book token that you can download at home.

Book token Primary UK

Happy Reading!

The Staff Team


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