
myON is essentially an online library which has some additional tools. It will be the main source of reading material for home and school use.

myON is from Renaissance Learning, the same company that provides Accelerated Reader, a program that has been used in school for a number of years. myON has some integration with Accelerated Reader and Star Reading which is used to help select books at an appropriate level.

Please take some time to look at the Parent Information Sheet and the introductory video. Please take some time to connect Star Reader Scores.

It would also be useful to download the App and set up access on as many devices as possible to ensure easy access.

During the next week or two, it would be really helpful if everyone becomes familiar with the books that are available. Begin to read some books and start to add to the “list” of books you would like to read.

Try the audio function with some books and try just reading others and see your time spent reading add up. Take some quizzes!

Integrate myON into your daily routine!

Watch this video 

Look at this parent guide: Parent-Guide-to-myON-1


GLOW – Information

GLOW is as safe and secure an environment as we can make it. In order to keep it safe, it is vitally important that pupils always log in to their own account and keep their login details secure. This means that they should not disclose their password to anyone, including friends or family members.

The school does not keep a record of pupil passwords. If a pupil forgets or gets locked out of their account our only course of action is to reset their password. This will impact any devices that have passwords saved on them at home.

If pupils have an additional email account e.g. Gmail, Yahoo, MSN etc – they can set this as their password recovery email. In Glow go to Profile Settings and choose My Profile.

GLOW username

Our Glow usernames all have wl in front of them, some have numbers and they are case sensitive. e.g. wljoe.blogs5

GLOW email

Our Glow email is similar e.g

When logging into glow we should use our username or email and password:

A common log in error is to type their username and @glow. This will return an error.

Logging in to Microsoft 365 Apps on devices. (Teams, Sway, Powerpoint etc)

When logging in to Apps we normally only have to do this once but if the password is changed it will need to be changed on the device as well.

When asked to log in to App it normally requires your GLOW EMAIL  i.e. this will then take you to “your organisations sign-in page”  where your username and password needs to be entered.


While parents are encouraged to view and discuss learning content at the shoulder of their child, pupils should never share passwords with parents or anyone else.

Cyber security best practice suggests all Glow users should do the following: 

  • Keep your password to yourself
  • Never let anyone else access Glow using your account details
  • Never access the system with another user’s login details
  • Always choose a password in line with the guidance found here:
  • Always choose “no” when prompted to save your password on a device which you share with others
  • Always sign out fully from your Glow session when no longer using it 

Pupils should report any concerns related to access to their login details and should understand how to change their password. As with all aspects of Glow use pupils should report concerns to a trusted adult or use, Report a Concern available across all Glow services.

Parents must not use a pupils’ Glow account to contact the school or your child’s teacher.

All communications should be through the school email:

Further information on how to use Glow/Microsoft 365 and Teams can be found at

I hope that you find this useful.

RAG BAG – Collection

Our next RAG BAG collection will take place on Monday 23rd November.

Bags should come home on Thursday or Friday – check your child’s bag! (You can also use a regular bag).

Arrangements will be slightly different as bags cannot be brought into school. Arrangements will be made to have a collection point beside the RAG BAG container in the Staff Car Park. (Please do not drive into this car park).

Please bring bags only on this day – Monday 23rd of November.

Thank you once again for your support.

If you want to know more about RAG BAG follow this link 

Seesaw Permission Letter – action required P1- P3

Seesaw is a new resource for P1 to P3.

Please check school bags for a permission letter that needs to be completed, signed and returned. Please return as soon as possible.

Further information from

Find a copy of the permission letter below.

See saw parental consent (St Joseph)

Teach Your Monster to Read – Free App


To help you get back into the swing of things, we’re making Teach Your Monster to Read free to download from Wednesday.

We know it’s been a very challenging year and we hope to help out a little by giving you the entire series of award-winning literacy games for nothing.

The not-for-profit app is approved by the government’s DfE Hungry Little Minds campaign and has been played by over 22 million kids across the world.

Once downloaded, there’s nothing else to pay. Please let your friends know so we can help their kids learn to read too.

Oh, and if you want to play across a few devices, make sure you sign up for a free account at first.

Download your Teach Your Monster to Read app between Weds September 16th and Tues September 22nd 2020: 

BE Schoolwear SALE!

Wearing a clean set of uniform for each day of the week can help lower the risk of transferring COVID-19 from home to school. After this back to school period, a lot of parents are now needing extra uniform on previous years so they have enough for each school day.

We’re here to help.

From the 1st September, there will be up to 60% off everything* online and in store – including school embroidered uniform. The minimum saving will be 25% – so if parents need extra uniform, they can now get their school logo’d jumpers, poloshirts, blazers and much more for less.
Click here to find your school’s online shop

Parents can now order online with home delivery
within 7 days*
New orders for embroidered garments will now be dispatched within 3-5 working days. So if parents need to order more uniform, they can now do so with delivery within a week*.Find more info online here

FREE home delivery on orders over £45.00

*Sale does not include face masks, workwear or branded sportswear. Includes ties and school specific specially made items e.g. knitwear, ties and tartan kilts/skirts/pinafores only while stocks last.

**Orders being dispatched in 3-5 working days is depending on the supplier stock available. If stock is not available, we can offer a substitute or back order. Plain items will be shipped within 2-3 days, depending on supplier stock available. Once processed, orders are dispatched with DPD on a 24 hour service.

Copyright © 2020, Border Embroideries. All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Unit 1, Duns Road Industrial Estate, Greenlaw, Berwickshire, TD10 6XJ

Common Cold and COVID-19 Symptoms

Professor Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director

To Parents / Carers

31 August 2020
Common Cold and COVID-19 Symptoms
I understand these last few months have often been challenging, particularly for parents and carers. Now that schools and nurseries have returned I am writing to provide some advice where a child or young person in your care presents with symptoms of the common cold or similar bugs during this pandemic.
Following the return of schools after a prolonged break, it is common for colds and similar viral infections to circulate. In many cases, children will be well enough to attend school and continue their learning with little or no interruption to their education. In other cases, for instance where they have quite a heavy cold, they may need to take a day or two off to recover.
This is not the case for children and young people with potential COVID-19 symptoms, they are required to self-isolate and seek a test through or by calling 0800 028 2816.
In order to ensure your children do not miss out on their education, it is important to be clear about how COVID-19 symptoms differ from those of other infections that we normally see circulating at this time of year.
COVID-19 Symptoms
It is important that all of us – including those who make up the community around a school – are vigilant for the symptoms of COVID-19 and understand what actions we should take if someone develops them, either at school or at home.
The main symptoms to be aware of are:
 new continuous cough
 fever/high temperature
 loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste

Coronavirus – Jason Leitch Letter on testing and common colds – 31 August 2020

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