Good Morning Primary 1 ! Home Learning Week 1
I hope you are enjoying the fun games and challenges I have set for you on education city and SUMDOG plus working through your home learning packs!
I have planned some more fun activities for you to do this week, I know you enjoy them!
I hope you are all keeping yourselves safe and I hope to see you all very soon!
Miss McCullagh
A good way to start your day is with a little exercise. Every morning Joe Wicks will be live streaming a free PE lesson on his YouTube channel at 9am. You can access it through this link:
Cosmic Kids Yoga is another great way to relax and start the day.
This week we will consolidate the sounds
e f b h
- Practice reading and writing different words that contain each phoneme.
- Search for Geraldine Giraffe and the phoneme on YouTube to see Geraldine finding lots of sounds around her home.
Read a book that you have at home with an adult. Draw a picture of your favourite part of the story.
Sight Words
a, the, I, is, he, she, his, as, has, to, do, no, go, me, my, of, off, have, you.
- Practice reading and writing your sight words.
- Find your sight words in your book.
Growing Patterns
Find some objects around your house or in the garden (eg. sticks, buttons, rocks, socks) to make a Growing Pattern. Remember Growing Patterns start at 1 and they grow until they reach 10.
Other Ideas
- Collect some items from your garden (e.g. leaves, twigs, stones) and use them to create a piece of art work.
- People Who Help Us – Draw a picture of someone that helps us. Remember we have already learned about Firefighters and the Police. Can you think of anyone else that does a job to help us.
- Use Education City and Sumdog to complete the games set.