St John Ogilvie RC Primary

March 17, 2017
by Mrs Egan

Lenten Appeal – Malawi

As part of our Lenten Appeal, we would like to further support the St Margaret’s Malawi endeavour.  They are looking for some items to take with them to Malawi.  Details are included in the attached letter which has been emailed to parents.

Our Mini Vinnies will be going round classes next week to collect donations and encourage support.  As always, your support is greatly appreciated.

Lenten Appeal (1)

March 16, 2017
by Mrs Egan

P6 Euroquizzers!

On Friday 10th March, 4 pupils from P6 represented our school at the West Lothian heats of the annual Euroquiz.  P6 traditionally attend this event as their focus for learning in Social Studies is Europe.  This year we were represented by Ethan Beattie, Jamie Kruz, Arsh Jindal and Nia Murphy.  The group performed extremely well at the quiz but unfortunately were not the winning group on this occasion.  We are all very proud of their efforts on our behalf!  Well done team!

The Euroquizzers with Mrs Dwane who accompanied them to the event!

March 13, 2017
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1A Update 10th March 2017

A very busy and exciting week in P1A.  Here are some of the things we have been learning this week.

Nellie – ‘We have been learning about chicks.’

Jaagruti – ‘We learned the ‘igh’ sound this week.’

Junaid – ‘We played with the water tray outside for outdoor learning.’

Kyle – ‘We have been looking at the chicks in groups.’

Liam – ‘We have been doing take away sums.’

Lily – ‘ We were talking about when we were babies.’

Jack – ‘We have been learning about Fair Trade and we designed football strips for a competition.’


Fantastic Focus and Have a Go Hero had the most gems this week.  We have been making mistakes  but fixing them by concentrating on the tasks.

March 8, 2017
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1A Update week beginning 27th February 2017

Sorry we are late in updating our blog but we had a very busy Friday watching the P7 show and then taking part in our World Book Day celebrations.

Last week we learned about our new sound ‘ea’ and we are trying hard to remember which words have ‘ee’ and which ones have ‘ea’.  We are going to need to use our Learning Super Power from the Repeater to keep practising this.

In maths we learned about fractions and looked at halves.  We had to carefully cut the pancakes in half and then we got to choose a topping for each half, they were delicious!  We have also been practising our counting in 2s, 5s and 10s using our songs.

We had a special visit from Dr Alex as part of our topic work.  We got to use her stethoscope to listen to our heartbeats and a special torch to look into another person’s eye.  We were very excited but listened very well.

During outdoor learning we got to use the scooter, bikes and rickshaws for the first time in the front playground.  We made a ramp for the cars using the guttering pipes and got the chance to use the new wooden shelters.  Some people used chalk to decorate a branch and then put it up on the fence for the birds to sit on.

On Friday we worked well in our House Teams to complete a book scavenger hunt as part of our World Book Day presentation.

We are taking part in the Living Eggs project this year and in P1B there are 10 eggs in an incubator.  We are very excited to see them hatching and to learn about how to take care of the chicks when they are here.   We have already thought about which egg will hatch first and are using our sounds to think of names for the chicks!  Keep an eye out for updates about the chicks.


March 3, 2017
by Mrs Egan

World Book Day

On Friday 3rd March, we celebrated World Book Day.  P1 – P6 had the chance to dress up as their favourite character from a book and many children brought that book with them to school.  P7 dressed up too – but in their production outfits as they showed us their dress rehearsal of “Olivia!”  After break, we worked in our houses on World Book Day activities.  Look out for some pictures coming soon!

February 24, 2017
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1A Update 24th February

This week we went on a walk through the slush and snow.  It was very wet! We were lucky we had on our outdoor kits and our welly boots.  It was good fun but the playground was too wet.

We have been reading the story of Joseph and his colourful coat.  In the story the brothers put Joseph in a well.  They told Jacob that he had died.  Joseph went to Egypt and he got put in jail.  At the end the brothers bowed down and looked up and saw Joseph.

We have been learning about God’s love.  Jesus said ‘Love one another just as I have loved you.’ We made a beautiful display and learned a special song.

In maths we learned about carroll diagrams and we had to cut and stick the pictures in the right places.

We wrote all about things that we love.  We remembered to use capital letters at the start and full stops at the end.  We learned about the sound ‘ee’. We made a big list of ‘ee’ words on Miss Stebbing’s whiteboard.  We found our sound on some of our crisp packets.

We opened up a surprise box with clues about our new topic.  It is all about people who help us.

Laura, Lily, Jakub, Zuzanna, Nina and Filip want to teach us how to speak Polish.  On a Friday they are going to teach us some words.  They are very excited to be teachers. Miss Stebbing is going to be learning too!


February 17, 2017
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1A Weekly Update 17th February 2017

Here are some of the things we have been learning about this week.  This was the last week for our Space Topic so remember to ask us all about our new topic next week!

Zara ‘We had to find some trees to make our den with P7’.

John ‘I worked with my buddy to make my den’.

Laura ‘We made planets with chalk’.

Zuzanna  ‘ We made dens, it was good fun.’

Alfie ‘We learned about how to blast off into space’.

(We joined up with P1B to launch a plastic bottle using vinegar and bicarbonate of soda.)

Nina ‘We made a rocket with Miss Solomon. Mrs Johns didn’t get to see it’.

Junaid ‘We made little rockets that we can launch with a straw.  We used our imaginations to blast off into space in a pretend rocket.  We had to lie flat on our backs on our chairs.’

Lily ‘ We worked in teams to make our own planet and stars.’

Fantastic Focus won the most gems this week.  We have been trying hard to concentrate on our work.  Next week we are going to try and use Creative Kid when we are learning.

February 3, 2017
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1A Update 3rd February

Another busy week in P1A!

Alessio “We were outside playing with the loose parts and we making things.”

Jaagruti “ We went in the woodland and we were very careful.”

Nina “We were doing the number 100.”

Chiedochie “We were making tents.”

Millan “We were counting up in 2s when we were sitting in the woodland.”

Lily “We were playing in the Chinese shop.”

Danyal “ We learned about Chinese New Year.”

Kyle “We celebrated 100 days of school. We did lots of activities.”

Katie “ We learned the word ‘she’.”

Monty “  We were rolling tyres.”

This week Dr Determination had 10 gems, Fantastic Focus had 9 gems and Team Player had 9 gems.  We have really been trying to concentrate and work together.


January 27, 2017
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1A Update 27th January 2017

We have been very busy this week!  Here are some of the things we have been taking part in.

Laura  “We were climbing up in PE.”

Nina  “We have our book ‘Primary 1A Love Aliens.’ (It is now at the office for visitors to read).

Monty “We learned the sound ‘th’.”   We are allowed to stick out our tongue at Miss Stebbing only when we say this sound!

Junaid “We learned about  Robert Burns.”

Lily “We were outside making a tent.”

John “We built a house outside.”

Alessio “ We had pretend parades at outdoor learning.”

Riley “We were drawing around our shadows.”

This week Creative Kid had the most beads in the jar.  We have been using our imaginations and solving problems.

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