St John Ogilvie RC Primary

May 3, 2017
by Miss Stebbing

A Beanstalk in P1A

Today the dragon left us a letter and some very special beans.  They are magic beans and we had to plant them in some magic soil.  We remembered how to plant the seed correctly but instead of using water we used the magic green stars the dragon left at the postbox.  We all went out and got a star to put in.  After playtime the beanstalk had started to grow!  Mrs Carlyle told us that if we sing to the plant it would grow even better so we sang our ‘Plant a Little Seed’ song and sure enough when we came back in after PE it had grown a bit bigger.  During lunchtime it grew even taller!  We are wondering how tall it will be on Friday when we come back.  Some people think it will have gone right through the roof.


April 28, 2017
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1A Update 28th April

This week we received a letter from a Friendly Dragon who asked for our help.  His fairyland home has been destroyed so he needs us to help him rebuild it.  We need to read lots of fairy tales and we will be doing lots of work on these.  We wrote letters back to the dragon to say we would love to help him and we posted them in the special D Mail box he had left in the area.  Keep an eye on the blog for updates about the Dragon.


Here are some of the things we enjoyed learning about this week.

Filip – The dragon came to visit.  He left a letter.

Danyal – We chose new lead learners.

Nellie – The dragon wants us to read fairy tales.

Lily – The dragon wants us to help rebuild Fairyland.

Jaagruti – We wrote letters to the dragon and he wants us to build him a home.

Alfie – We made pictures for a competition.  They have pirates and mermaids.


April 21, 2017
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1A Update 21st April 2017

A busy first week back in Primary 1A!  Miss Stebbing has lost her voice so we have had to help her by reading the story during milk time.  We also spent some time outside to practise our maths work and we had a special visit from PC McMahon to finish our People Who Help Us topic work.

Here are some of the things we have enjoyed learning this week.

Danyal – ‘We learned a new sound it is ‘ow’.’

Alfie – ‘We wrote a story about a pig in the mud.  The pig had red boots on!’

Chiedochie – ‘We were learning about writing words properly.’

Nina – ‘We used Fantastic Focus.’

Laura – ‘We have a Garden Centre called Dobbies in our classroom.  We can give people flowers.’

Jack – ‘We learned a new common word and it is ‘you’.’

Zara – ‘We have been practising our sounds.’

Junaid – ‘We learned a new word in maths it is ‘fewer’ it means smaller.’

Kyle – ‘PC McMahon came to visit us and we got to ask questions and wear his hat.’

Jeremy – ‘We practised our common words.’


April 18, 2017
by Mrs Robson

P7 Camp – Abernethy Ardeonaig

Primary 7 have arrived safely at camp.

Watered, fed, rooms filled, luggage abandoned. First activity complete – high wires, low ropes and local adventure. Next up…dinner and evening games.


March 31, 2017
by Miss Stebbing

P1A Update 31st March 2017

This week we had an Easter Egg Hunt in the woodland.  In the eggs were some adding and take away sums and we used our finger patterns help us to answer these.  We learned about the Easter Story and we made some beautiful paintings.  We had a lovely visit from Ava’s (P2) Mum and her baby boy.  We asked lots of questions about looking after a baby and loved having Jay in our class.  We finished the week at Assembly to hear about the Behaviour Challenge and then we did some Easter crafts.

Have a lovely holiday everyone!

Miss Stebbing




March 31, 2017
by Mrs Egan

Lenten Fundraising

A big thank you to all pupils and families for your fantastic support of our Lenten appeal which was to collect items for the St Margarets for Malawi effort.  We received lots of donations of the items which the St Margarets pupils appealed for.  Mrs Casey from St Margarets came to collect the donations yesterday and was overwhelmed with your generosity.

Look out for pictures and details about our Crazy Hair Day!!!!

March 31, 2017
by Mrs Egan

Term 3 Behaviour Challenge!

We had our end of term behaviour assembly this morning.  At the assembly, which was led by the House Captains and Vice Captains, we heard about how everyone had got on over the term.  The captains and vice captains told everyone that they were very proud of their houses and the efforts that had been made in behaviour this term.

Mrs Egan gave out certificates for the pupils with the most Dojo points in their class and certificates which were awarded by the teachers to pupils who had tried hard over the term.  Pupils with more than 50 points had their names put into a raffle and 3 names were drawn to win Easter prizes.  The winners were Catherine Boland (P5A), Leah Griffiths (P3B) and Kuba Wala (P2B).  Well done to them!

Then the moment we had all been waiting for.  The winning house for the term was revealed and it was………………….  St Ninians!!  Well done to everyone from St Ninians house who showed that a final push for good behaviour can have benefits!  Everyone in that house received an Easter gift bag as a reward for their good behaviour – well done to you all!!!!

March 27, 2017
by User deactivated

It’s Not a Stick

We read the sequel to ‘It’s Not a Box’ by Antoinette Portis, ‘It’s Not a Stick’ and we played with our own ‘Not a Sticks’ in the woodlands.

‘It’s not a stick…’

March 17, 2017
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1A Update 17th March 2017

This week has been a very busy time in Primary 1A and we have had a lot of visitors in our class.  Here are some of the things we have learned this week.


Jack – ‘We learned how to take care of the chicks.  They have now gone to the farm.’

Jakub – ‘We built a fire station and we have hats we found in the cupboard and we have a computer.  We built a fire engine using a box and red paper.’

Danyal – ‘We learned about how to be safe and how to phone 999.’

Jaagruti – ‘We had a visit from the dentist.  He checked our teeth.’

Jeremy – ‘We had a visit from Fr Simon he told us all about how he helps people.’

Alfie – ‘We learned about take away sums.  We used our finger patterns to help us.’

Liam – ‘ Fr Simon told us about how he looks after his cat.’

Junaid – ‘We learned how to make bread in the bread maker.  It tasted good and the classroom smelled nice.’


The winning superheroes this week were creative kid and fantastic focus.  We were learning about being creative when we read the story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit.’


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