Category Archives: Uncategorized

Farm to Fork visit

Today we had the lovely Community Champion, Tracey, from Tesco come to visit us at nursery. Tracey read us a story about The Enormous Turnip and then we played a game to decide whether we thought some of the vegetables we can buy at the supermarket are grown underground or above ground. We even discovered some vegetables we had never even heard of! Then we were lucky enough to taste some very healthy fruit and vegetables from Tesco and most of us were very brave trying new foods… and found out that we even liked them!

A big thank you to Tracy for coming along and helping us to learn more about where our food comes from.

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Our Happy Nursery

As we are always trying to make our nursery a happy place to be… we are currently learning that our behaviour can have an effect on those around us. To help us, we will be meeting some characters over the next few weeks who will help to remind us of some of the positive behaviour that we can try to display and keep our nursery and everyone in it happy, happy, happy!

This week we met Zelda Zebra who learns how important it is to be gentle around her friends and family. Zelda has been playing around the nursery spotting boys and girls who are being gentle with others and gentle with toys.

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Chinese New Year festivities

The children have been discovering all about the Chinese New Year celebrations and customs leading up to Chinese New Year on Monday. They have learned that it is the year of the Monkey and have been singing and dancing along with their lucky Chinese Dragon to music and songs to celebrate the festivities. On Monday they were able to sample different foods from the Chinese culture, they made beautiful Chinese lanterns for decoration and there was even some fun sensory play with noodles and chop sticks! Take a look at all of the fun we have had learning about other cultures and customs…

HWB 0-31a; RME 0-06a; RME 0-7a

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The sun has got his hat on!

The sun made an appearance this week and some of us made the most of it with some outdoor play…. bubbles, weighing scales and a good old game of Hide and Seek!

It has also been our Stay and Play week at nursery, so thank you to all the parents who made it along to share in your child’s nursery experience, we hope you enjoyed your time in the nursery. Another Stay and Play opportunity will be coming up later on in the year.

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Bubbles, bricks and bags of fun!

It’s been another busy week at Bathgate West, our Burns Supper kicked off the week and we haven’t stopped since! The boys and girls have been creative in the Rainbow Room this week with some bubble painting…very messy but lots of fun. The building bricks have been enjoyed a lot this week, with lots of interesting structures being built, along with some super team work to create their masterpieces. Take a look at jut a few of the activities that have been keeping us all busy and here are a few comments from the children about what they have enjoyed most at nursery this week…

“I liked playing with Robyn in the house corner.” Emily M

“I liked stamping like animals with big feet.” Adam

“My favourite snack was yoghurt. I like oranges too.” Daniel

“I painted a thistle for the wall.” Leah

“I like the new garage, it has 3 levels!” Jude

“I have been building sandcastles.” Daisy


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Burns Supper

On Monday the children celebrated Rabbie Burns by taking part in our own Burns Supper.

With Haggis, Neeps and Tatties on the menu, shortbread, Scottish dancing and even a Piper to pipe in the Haggis… it was a very Scottish celebration indeed….

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Winter, Scotland and Teeth!

Brrrrrr it may be cold outside but we are keeping warm inside here at Bathgate West with so much going on. Following on from our visit from the dental nurse we have set up our own dentist role play area, so there has been a lot of teeth checking and talking about ways to keep our teeth healthy.

The cold weather has been inspiring some beautiful art work in the Rainbow Room over the past few weeks so our displays are looking fabulous with all of the children’s work. We are also gearing up for our Burns Supper on Monday with our Scotland topic and the smell of shortbread baking in our oven has been floating through the air of the nursery! Take a look at some of the things we have been up to at nursery over the past week…..

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