All posts by Mrs Waddell

Exploring Campfires

One boy was playing with his friend earlier this week when he invited an adult to “Come to the campfire.” He then went on to “set up fire” and involved his friends in his imaginative play. There was lots of discussion and skills being transferred from previous experience.

“We need to sing camp songs”

“Fire, fire, fire”

“We will have marshmallows.”

“We need sticks for the marshmallows”

“Oh I need a lighter stick to light the fire…. now blow to make it high”

“Now we can cook the marshmallows.”

Some children used the floor book to share their knowledge and experiences of camping and camp fires. They answered who, what and where questions and were keen to record their own ideas in the book. Have a look at some of their responses.

So this afternoon some of the children joined Mrs Waddell out at the fire pit where we explored fire safety and our knowledge of making a fire, when we worked together to create a small camp fire and the toasted our marshmallows on it. We used our senses to talk about the fire.

What can we see?

“Orange fire!”

“The wind is blowing the fire.”

“Is it steam?”

“The wood is going black”

What can we smell?

“I can smell burning.”

“It’s smokey”

What can we hear?

The children listen carefully and make some very good impressions of the fire crackling…”It’s making noises”

What can we taste?


“It’s yummy”

“It’s strawberry taste”

What can we feel?

“It’s hot.”

“It feels warm.”

By using our Fire Pit we are developing:

Social interactions

Life skills

Risk Taking






Childsmile Visit

Yesterday we had our visit from Mhari and Ziggy from Childsmile who came along to talk to us about the ways in which we can look after our teeth and keep them healthy. We also got to see just how we should be brushing our teeth twice a day, front and back, up and down and round and round. We all helped teach Ziggy to brush his teeth properly too.

Staffing Update

Dear Parents and Carers,
I am sure you have been aware of some new faces in the nursery so I thought I would just give you an update.  Mrs Bett and Miss Wilkins will be back in the nursery soon, both have unfortunately been unwell.  Miss Turner, who looked after the children in wrap around and the Red group has accepted another job.  So Mrs Lewis has joined Mrs Somerville at wrap around.  
Sadly, Mrs Waddell has decided to start a new adventure and will be leaving us at the beginning of November – we wish her the best of luck.  At this time I will come and join the nursery team full time, sharing the Green group with Mrs Hendry.
I have really enjoyed the start of the year in the nursery,  getting helped by the returning pupils to find things and welcoming the new boys and girls.  I look forward to meeting the rest to the children who only come on a Monday and Thursday.
If you have any questions please just ask one of the Nursery Team.
Rachel Holwill
Principal Teacher (Acting)

Individual photographs

Tempest will be in on Monday 2nd October to take individual nursery photos of your child. If your child does not attend nursery on Mondays and you would like them to have their photograph taken please let a member of staff know and we can arrange a time to bring them in on Monday 2nd Octobers for their photo to be taken.