Category Archives: Uncategorized

P1 Useful websites

Here are some websites you may find useful. They will provide you with lots of activities to enjoy with your little ones to help keep them healthy, motivated, active and to stop us all going stir crazy! Enjoy!!! – Joe Wicks Body Coach Live (9am daily) Glasgow Science Centre, GSC at Home (10am daily) Easy fun songs for all ages Movement and mindfulness videos Mindfulness and Relaxation!/
A collection of over 3000 ebooks and audiobooks available for free for children to access at home Free programming website Computer science website Lots of outdoor learning activities and ideas – We love using this to warm-up before our PE lessons

West Lothian Early Years Blog

Please find below the link to access the West Lothian Early Years Blog.  This blog has been set up to support children and families should you find yourself having to spend a period of time away from nursery.  There are lots of ideas and places to visit online to keep you from going stir crazy and they will add to the site as time goes on, so keep popping back for fresh ideas!

Welcome to the West Lothian Early Years Blog

New teacher in P1a…

Mrs Burns and Ms Rainey better watch out, there’s a new teacher in town! The boys are practising their counting strategies during spontaneous play. Amazing how something new in the water tray inspires lots of imagination. In case you are wondering, the children are making ‘jelly’ and are going to ‘put it in the fridge until quarter past six!’

Check out our Healthy Food Sway…we’ll be adding more to it over the coming weeks!

Healthy Food
Why do we eat food?
Go to this Sway