All posts by Mrs Gunning

Easter fun

As you know the Easter holiday begins today until Monday 20th of April. Although it will be a slightly different holiday compared to usual it is still important that everyone takes the time to have a break.

Here are some fun activities that we have put together if you are looking for ideas for something to do during the Easter holiday.

Week 1 Easter Holiday Activity Grid

Week 2 Easter Holiday Activity Grid (1)

Have a lovely Easter holiday from everyone at Falla Hill.

West Lothian Early Years Blog

Please find below the link to access the West Lothian Early Years Blog.  This blog has been set up to support children and families should you find yourself having to spend a period of time away from nursery.  There are lots of ideas and places to visit online to keep you from going stir crazy and they will add to the site as time goes on, so keep popping back for fresh ideas!

Welcome to the West Lothian Early Years Blog