End of Term Fun

Primary 2/3/4 had a fantastic last week of school, enjoying the whole school trip to Helix Park on Tuesday and then the end of term treats of an obstacle course and ice cream van.

I would just like to express my thanks to families of pupils of P 2/3/4 for the many generous gifts and cards I received at the end of this year. It has been an unforgettable first year in teaching for me and I wish all my pupils and their families the best of luck for their future.

Mr Reid


Blackburn Multi-Sport Event

On Wednesday 8th June Primary 2/3/4 enjoyed taking part in a multi-sport event at Blackburn Community Centre. Pupils were able to mix with children from other schools and had a fantastic time trying their hand at a variety of sports.

Leaflets were issued with ore information on how to get involved with these events outside of school.

Blackburn Children’s Gala Day

Pupils from ASD2 and P2/3/4 had a visit from representatives of the Gala Day Committee as part of their topic on celebrations. The ladies answered questions that pupils from both classes had prepared and brought some historic items to show pupils – the cloak, crown and sceptre from the first Gala Queen (dating from 1953) and a more modern, sparkly crown. Some pupils got the chance to try on these items. We learned a lot about the history of the Gala and some interesting facts about it now.
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Blackburn Primary School are getting involved in all the events surrounding Blackburn Children’s Gala Day. On Friday 20th May auditions were held in school to find acts to represent our school at the Blackburn Schools Got Talent Night. After seeing singing, comedy, gymnastics, mime and dancing there were tough decisions for the judges but three acts were chosen to go forward to represent the school at the final on 3rd June – one singer form P1, a dancer from ASD2 and a dancer/singer from P7. All three pupils gave it their all on the night of the big final, big voices, great dance moves and jazz hands and did the school proud.

We have teams representing the school in the schools’ relay race and in the quiz on Tuesday 7th June. Staff and all pupils will be able to take in the parade following the crowning of the Gala Queen on Saturday 11th June. We have chosen “Flower Power” (60s /70s) theme to represent the idea of through the ages and pupils in the Nursery will be making headbands to wear. Any pupils wishing to walk with the school should meet Miss Clarkson and school/nursery staff at the Community Centre at 11 a.m., dressed up and raring to go.

Bonjour Pere Noel!

P7 pupils are looking forward to their transition days at Bathgate Academy this week. In preparation for their Academy Modern Languages classes they joined a cluster school project which meant they had to make a short video in French to be shown during the week.
The pupils started off in two groups, working on different plays but time constraints meant this had to become one performance only. A script was produced in English and then translated into French. Then using glove puppets and a theatre and scenery made by one P7 pupil and her family they recorded “Le Chapeau Perdu” (The lost hat).

Unfortunately the whole video is too large to upload, but here are a couple of scenes from it.

We hope you enjoy it.

Au revoir!

A chilly, Hilly adventure

hilly cow viewhilly cow courtyard

On Thursday 28th April, six pupils from our ASD resource classes and five staff members made their way by car and packed minibus up into the hills behind Kirknewton to stay the night at Hilly Cow Wigwams and complete a day of outdoor learning.

We left the minibus behind and headed off on foot, led by Forestry Commission Ranger Jim, across fields filled with sheep and lambs to Selm Muir Wood.

Jim showed us a variety of tree and plants, including how useful a willow tree is, and taught us how to tell the difference between pine and spruce needles. We also gathered some twigs and birch bark (which is good kindling) to make a campfire and when it was burning we boiled water for hot drinks and toasted marshmallows. We also had to take shelter under a big tarpaulin as it started to snow and some of the group were feeling the cold, so the hot drinks were very welcome!


When we got back up to Hilly Cow wigwams we had time to unpack our stuff into the wigwams before making some glass coasters in the big barn with Nancy. After that we had some free time in the playpark before pizza and oven chips for dinner – yum!


There was more free time for games and stories before bedtime and soon we were all snuggled up in our cosy wigwams.


We woke up to a different view of the world because it had snowed heavily overnight! This didn’t stop Miss Carson and two pupils from getting dressed and heading out to build a snowman before breakfast!


After we had packed up, we had a quick tour of the farm to meet some of the animals. We especially liked the new lambs and calf. We headed back to Kirknewton to Potter Around, where we all decorated our own mug before heading back to school.


We had a great time and it was a great adventure!

Walk like an Egyptian… The Museum

Along with ASD 2’s pyramid cafe (below), Primary 2/3/4 created a display of our learning in our classroom as part of the museum experience. We collected our best work from the term and displayed it on the wall to accompany the art gallery in the corridor. Visitors were also treated to a presentation by Primary 2/3/4 where we summarised all of our learning during the topic, using the school laptops to create a Powerpoint to go with our speech.

Thank you again to those who attended last Wednesday to allow us to share our learning.

Eat like an Egyptian…… The Pyramid Cafe

On Thursday 21st April P2/3/4 and ASD2 held their Sharing the Learning event in school. Pupils from P2/3/4 presented about the learning that had taken place and one of the pupils from ASD2 invited everyone to come to the Pyramid Cafe.

In room 7 ASD2 pupils had set up a cafe, taking on various roles, from sous chef (who helped to plate up all the goodies), to cashier, to waiters and kitchen porters. Pupils and staff had worked hard to research and make the kind of foods that were served in Egypt. We made 3 different types of falafel (a vegetarian snack), served hummus with pitta bread and made Tiger Nut Sweets using dates, nuts and honey.
The recipe for Tiger Nut Sweets is the oldest one that is known and made today. It was found, written on hieroglyphs on a piece of clay many years ago.

Pupils, staff and parents certainly looked as if they enjoyed the experience.IMG_0688





Frizzy Freaky Friday – Fun Fives Day 5

It was the last day of what has been a fun week.

Today was Frizzy Freaky Friday – a day when anything could happen. The first fun activity that broke up laps of the playground was to crawl under the big parachute – some pupils found it hard to get that low! The second activity was to get an item from one of the dressing up bags and wear it for the next few laps. It was safe to say that not everyone was thrilled with their costume choice.
Everyone did really well keeping their egg on their spoon round the cones at the next activity and then there was a lap using hula hoops to jump through – and Miss Carson proved that even she could get through a small hoop!
On their last lap pupils entered the danger zone – where members of staff were waiting with water pistols and wet sponges. In spite of comments to say they didn’t want to get wet lots of pupils managed to come through the danger zone more than once!

Well done to all the pupils who have walked or jogged up to 25 laps in our playground – and well done to members of the Health Committee who came up with the Fun Five ideas.

















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