Stay Safe Outdoors!

Dear Parents/Carers

As the weather continues to improve and the children spend more and more time outdoors, please be reminded that there are some health risks that come with spending time in the great outdoors.  In grassy or woodland areas, it is important to be aware of the health risks carried by ticks. Ticks are tiny spider-like creatures which attach themselves to passing animals and people. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection  spread to humans by infected ticks. It’s usually easier to treat if it’s diagnosed early so please check your child’s body each night, especially after attending Outdoor Learning Events.

For more information, use the following links:

Keep Safe!  Mrs Bryce

P2/3 prepare for Blackburn’s Got Talent

p2/3 were lucky enough to have a visit from a fantastic guitarist – Miss Anderson’s brother!  The children really enjoyed getting the chance to ask questions about what it was like to perform in front of an audience and how it feels to play guitar.

Miss Anderson’s brother was kind enough to let all of the children have a go strumming his guitar and now they know how it feels first hand.

I’m sure the children will now feel inspired and more confident when auditioning for Blackburn’s Got Talent tomorrow! Good luck everyone!

Pics coming soon!

Lowport Adventures!

What a time was had a Lowport Outdoor Education Centre by those in A1 and A2!  We started off by getting suited and booted in our waterproofs and life jackets for canoeing on Linlithgow Loch.  It wasn’t the easiest of activities but we gave it a great go and worked our paddles hard to travel across the water.  After some refreshments we got our harness’ on and began to Rock Climb.  Some of us were a little scared by the height of the walls but each time we tried we got a little further.

Dinner was delicious and even described as 5* by some.  We enjoyed the evening sun at the park, running around and playing on the swings.  All were tucked up early and fast asleep before long.

In the morning we had a hearty breakfast, got our wellies on and went on an Adventure Walk around Beecraigs.  This was no ordinary walk though, we trekked through trees, wadded through rivers and streams and even crawled through tunnels filling our boots with freezing cold water!

We all had such a great time and thought it was the best place for a sleep over with our friends! We already can’t wait for the next time!

P1/2 Outdoor Classroom Day

We took advantage of Outdoor Classroom day to try out some of the activities suggested by the website. First, we collected leaves, twigs and flowers to make silly moustaches. Then we tried to talk for about 30 seconds without the moustache falling off. It was very tricky!!




We then worked in groups to create 2D shapes using rope while everyone in the group was blindfolded, except the group leader. The group leader was the only person allowed to give instructions to the other group members. We all did extremely well in giving and following instructions and this activity was lots of fun!!



Rowanbank – Outdoor Classroom Day P2/3

We could not have had a better day to celebrate Outdoor Classroom Day with Rowanbank! The children enjoyed hunting for suitable sticks for the fire, played games and created a bird orchestra during story time.  The children learned to identify dock leaves to use in the event of a nettle sting!  As you can see they had to put this new skill to the test a few times!  However, a few nettle stings certainly didn’t put them off drinking some nettle tea later on!

Outdoor Classroom Day

The nursery children enjoyed taking on the role of Picasso today when we visited our outdoor classroom and painted Mud Pictures.  The children dug a hole in the mud and added water to make “paint”.  They collected sticks of various sizes and textures to use as paintbrushes.  Some children even made prints with leaves.  We were very lucky that the sun was shining for us today and we enjoyed our snack outside too.


French Assembly

On Friday 4th  May, Primary 1/2 presented our fabulous French Assembly to parents and carers. We were able to share what we have learned about France and the French language throughout this session through vocabulary and songs. Our assembly was followed by inviting parents and carers to join us in a delicious French breakfast including croissants, pan au chocolat, french bread and cheese and hot chocolate. Fantastique!!










Outdoor learning

Last week, Primary1/2 enjoyed a super outdoor session in our sensory garden with Granny Lichen Leaf. We looked at edible plants and flowers, paying attention to which ones are safe and we made our own magic potions. We also worked together to create a shelter for Little Granny Lichen Leaf, which we are sure she is delighted with.


Unquestionable questions!

Today A2 were asked to think about questions they did not know the answer to.  We are going to put them up on the wall in school and see if anyone can add any more to it.  Some of them are very interesting questions and we have pointed them out.  Do you know the answer to any of them? Let us know if you do!

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