P1 -31/03/20 – Numeracy

Hello again,

Remember to listen to Elevenses with David Walliams at 11.00am where today you can hear the story, “Humbert the Hungry Baby”.


For Numeracy today we will try some Subitizing and Rekenrek work.

  • First sing along with our Subitize song.

I hope you remembered to shout out the answers before you saw them!

  • Next use the online Rekenrek to show as many different ways of making 8 as you can.
  • Record these in your jotter and don’t forget the switchers!


  • Now have a go at some of the Illuminations games by clicking on the link below


Thank you, Mrs Topping



Good Morning P2/3

I hope you are all well and ready to take on the day after our #PEwithJoe this morning.

For literacy this morning I would like you to complete the Fairtrade comprehension worksheet included in your packs. Feel free to write the answers on the sheet. For those of you who do not have your packs I will attach a copy here.

Master Minds MM Fairtrade comp

Bright Sparks BS Fairtrade comp

Genius Gems GG Fairtrade comp

Miss McLuckie


P1 31/03/20

Good morning everyone, how are you today? Ready for another day of learning!

Remember to tune into Joe Wicks for your PE lesson at 9.00am

http://The Body Coach TV

Your Literacy activities for this morning are set on Study Ladder. Your log in details are inside the front cover of your jotter.

  • Today you will revise the sounds s, a ,t and p.
  • When you have completed some of the activities on Study Ladder, have a go at writing some 3 letter words beginning with s, a, t, and p in your jotter e.g. sun, ant, ten, pat etc.
  •  Your challenge is to see if you can write at least 10 words

Thank you, Mrs Topping

Five minute box -Key words

          Key words 1-9

😀Read the key word boards

😀 match the cards

😀flash the cards for reading task

😀flash the cards for spelling test

😀make 2 sets of word cards to play pairs/ memory game

😀spell your word list ,  (Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check)…….

Remember to say the word aloud, so you can hear the word, and always cover it over, not just copy, copy, copy your list, and check back to the original word in the list, to check you have it correct, and then repeat.

Remember to also look back over boards you have already done work on.

Revision and repetition are key.😄😄😄😄😄



A1- P1 Sensory Activity – Make a Den

Good afternoon A1. I hope you are all having a good day!

Sensory activities can stimulate the brain and improve sensory processing. It can improve social skills such as communication and cooperation. It can also improve coordination and motor skills.

This afternoons activity is to make a ‘Den’. Your den can become anything you want it to be and you can fill it with lots of different things. Use your imagination, the sky is the limit!

I have made my den into a ‘Rocket’ as we had been learning about rockets and space in class. I used a large fleece blanket (which is soft, furry and cosy) and I draped it over 4 dining chairs. I made a control panel for my rocket using junk from my recycling (toilet roll tubes, bottle lids and cereal boxes). I also used tin foil as its shiny and crinkly and very sensory. Stitch loves his new Rocket!! I  would love you to post some pics of your dens if you are able as I would love to see them! Have fun………………………………………………………..ENJOY!


A Message from the Speech and Language Team for A1 Pupils

Good afternoon!

Tricia, our school Speech and Language Therapist has asked me to pass on the following message to our families:

The Speech and Language Therapy Service will be using their Facebook page to post tips on interaction and creating communication  opportunities throughout the school closures.

Their Face book page is-

NHS Lothian children and young people’s Speech and Language therapy service

Mrs Bryce

Good afternoon A1

I hope you are all staying safe and having fun.

For today’s STEM lesson I would like you try out the human sundial experiment. All you need is some sunshine, some chalk and a little help to draw around your shadow.

At different times throughout the day (or even tomorrow) stand at the same spot outdoors and get an adult to draw around your shadow – what happens an hour later? 2 hours later? Does your shadow move?


Have fun everyone!

Miss McLuckie

Who had fun at the virtual zoo?

I enjoyed the virtual Chester Zoo visit did you?

If you didn’t manage to, you can still see the videos on the link or on the Zoos page.

Here are some of the photos I took  and some interesting facts I learned……… enjoy!!

The🐼 Red pandas are my favourites, the babies are called cubs. There are less than 10,000 in the wild now, so they are classed as endangered.  They mostly eat bamboo, but the female will eat small bits of meat ( 🐁  🐦)when they are pregnant.


The park has Asian Elephants 🐘 it’s only the male that gets tusks but  in African elephants it’s both the male & females.

Baby elephants don’t have proper use of their trunk until they are about 2 year old.



Sun bears☀️ 🍯 🐻 (also called honey bears) They have massive claws for climbing trees and very long tongues to find honey and insects. 🐛 🦗

They are endangered due to poachers. They are hunted for medicine and also deforestation for palm oil is damaging and clearing their natural habitats.


Butterfly house🦋 🐛

We saw the eggs, caterpillars,chrysalis and the butterflies.

Butterflies tastes with their feet, then eat with their long curly tongues.

They also showed us a very big, bright green female stick insects.


Giraffe 🦒

Every giraffe has a different coat pattern just like our finger prints.

Their poop is just the size of a Malteser.

They eat 35kg of leaves a day/ the same weight of an average11/12yr old.


They are endangered due to hurting and palm oil deforestation.

Their stripes make them easily camouflaged in grasses.



Penguins 🐧 We just saw them being fed and swimming. There was no educational talk with this section, but you can find out about them on line or go visit Edinburgh Zoo Live Cameras to learn and see more.

P1 Science

Good afternoon P1 for science this week I am going to set you a challenge to do one of the following activities and ask your parents or carer to  email me a picture of your results so I can share with everyone on the blog.

email: stephen.riding@westlothian.org.uk


The attached documents give instructions of how to carry out the kitchen science and explain the science behind what is happening. Adults please please please explain the science behind the experiment either when you are doing it or afterwards. 

P1 Kitchen science – meringue

P1 Kitchen science – oobleck


I can’t wait to see your pictures.

Mr Riding

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