Five minute box – Quiz 2 Answers

QUIZ No2 Answers

How many words did you find❓❓❓



1. Find the letter after F   (G)

2. Find the letter before O  (N)

3. Find the letter after Q   (R)

4. Find the letter before B   (A)

5. Find the 10 number words, list them in alphabetical order   (the first one was done for you)











6. Find the 6 question words, list them in alphabetical order   (the first one was done for you)







Be a word detective and find the word

write it out (x4) each- L,S,C,W,Ch,

or  write the word into a sentence.

7. Find  a 9 letter word starting with F  (favourite)

8. Find a 6 letter word starting with R   (really)

9. Find a 7 letter word starting with B   (birthday)

❓10. Find a 9 letter word starting with H   (holiday)  


   Hope you enjoyed this quiz and are looking forward to being a word detective on quiz3 to follow.

A1/P1/P2/3 – Easter Fun

Good afternoon everyone! We hope lots of you were able to join your big brothers and sisters for our Assembly.

We are sure you will have had lots of fun trying out some of the fantastic activities which have already been posted over the Easter break.

Here are some Easter recipes you might want to try with an adult.

Easter nests

Healthy Easter Bunny pancakes

Easter Hot Cross Scones


Try this Easter Bunny quiz just for fun

Can you match the bunnies in 60 seconds?

Have a happy and safe Easter everyone. See you on Monday 20th April!!

Mrs Topping, Mrs Bryce and Miss Hamill









Happy Easter

So we have come to the end of our first 2 weeks of learning at home. Well done to everyone for putting in the effort to get through your learning, whether from your home learning packs, on the Blog or through Teams. It has not been easy for any of us so you should all be very proud of yourselves.

I want to wish everyone a very happy, healthy Easter. Take care and stay safe as well as have fun. Looking forward to hearing from you all on Monday 20th April when school starts back.

Miss McLuckie

P2/3 Art – Friday 3rd April 2020

Ok boys and girls, time to do some Easter Art.

Today I challenge you to create an Easter Bunny Model for someone in your home.

What you will need;

  1. toilet roll holder
  2. coloured paper
  3. pens or pencils
  4. cotton wool

I have attached a picture to the blog for you to base your model on. I would love to see some of your work posted on twitter.

I hope you all keep safe and have an eggcelent Easter break 🙂

Miss Hamill

A1-P1 easter craft

Good morning A1 and P1 I hope you are all keeping well. I thought as it’s the last day of home learning before the Easter break that we could try some fun Easter craft. Choose from one of these simple craft activities to enjoy or try them all at your leisure. Let’s get crafting.


Easter Activities 03/04/20

Good Morning A1 and P1

I hope you are looking forward to your last day of home learning before the Easter Holidays.  Today, we have a full morning of fun Easter activities for you!  Keep an eye on the blog as Kelly and Mrs Topping will be posting more Easter activities throughout the morning.  If you don’t manage them all today, you could always keep some to do during the holidays.

First up… watch the Easter Story and discuss the main events and characters with a family member:

Do you know that some Christian people roll eggs on Easter Sunday to signify the importance of the giant stone being rolled away from the front of Jesus’ tomb?

Why don’t you give it a try?  Let’s hard boil an egg and decorate it, ready to roll on Easter Sunday.  Remember to send us pictures of your decorated egg!

You can also watch some lovely Easter themed story books online at


Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping

P2/3 – Friday 3rd April 2020

Good Morning P2/3

This morning i would like you to watch the story of Easter. I have attached a youtube link.

Next, I would like you to complete your Easter Comic Strip. This should have pictures, words and lots of detail included. You have a comic strip sheet prepared for you in your home pack. If you do not have this, you have create this in your jotter.

Have a wonderful morning

Miss Hamill 🙂

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