Five minute box – Quiz 2 Answers

QUIZ No2 Answers

How many words did you find❓❓❓



1. Find the letter after F   (G)

2. Find the letter before O  (N)

3. Find the letter after Q   (R)

4. Find the letter before B   (A)

5. Find the 10 number words, list them in alphabetical order   (the first one was done for you)











6. Find the 6 question words, list them in alphabetical order   (the first one was done for you)







Be a word detective and find the word

write it out (x4) each- L,S,C,W,Ch,

or  write the word into a sentence.

7. Find  a 9 letter word starting with F  (favourite)

8. Find a 6 letter word starting with R   (really)

9. Find a 7 letter word starting with B   (birthday)

❓10. Find a 9 letter word starting with H   (holiday)  


   Hope you enjoyed this quiz and are looking forward to being a word detective on quiz3 to follow.

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