
This week, children at the nursery were finding out different information about the pirates. We read books, made treasures maps and even changed our climbing frame to a pirate ship! 
To link our learning at the nursery with learning at home I would like to give you a challenge! Can you make a pirate flag with your child at home? Share a picture of your flag on Twitter or our blog! 
Have fun :)

Settling back in to our new normal!

Its taken a bit of getting used to but we are managing to stay safe by staying 2m apart.  The colourful crosses help us to social distance.

We are having an “All together” snack now and really enjoy having a time where we can chat with our friends.

Being outdoors allows us to show off our climbing skills…

…and our sliding skills.

We even found some slugs and snails outside and had fun predicting who would win our snail race.

It’s fantastic to have you all back and lovely to meet our new children and families!

Thursday 13th August – P2/3/4 – Health and Well Being

Good afternoon everyone. Hope you have enjoyed your lunch,

Time for Yoga!

We all know how important hand washing is at the moment both at home and in school. Join Jamie in a special hand washing adventure. Have fun!

Hope you enjoyed the Yoga session.

Make sure you have a drink and a rest before your next activity!

  • Now we would like you to create your own “SOAPer– HERO!”.
  • You could draw, paint, use collage materials or even make a model. It’s up to you. Go ahead and use your imagination!!
  • We cant wait to see the finished results.
  • See you all back in school tomorrow.

Miss Kyle and Mrs Topping


Thursday 13th August – P2/3/4 – Numeracy

Hello again everyone, can’t wait to see your “Back to School” alphabets. Were sure you came up with some great ideas!!

Now it’s time to relax and listen to today’s story, “The Library Lion” by Michelle Knudsen.      

Let’s get active and count as we join in with counting to 100.

  • P2 children – recall and record all  number bonds for 10 (if children manage this then try to extend this activity by identifying number bonds for 20)
  • P3 and P4 children – recall and record all number bonds for 20

Try to use everyday objects from around your home e.g. cubes, counters, lego, small toys etc. to  help if you need it.

Finish off by playing the Number Bonds for 10 game and then increase the target number to 20 if you are feeling confident.

Thank you for your efforts this morning.

Remember to check back in after lunch time.

Miss Kyle and Mrs Topping



Thursday 13th August – P2/3/4 – Literacy

Good morning everyone!

We hope you all survived your first day back at school. It was lovely to be able to welcome you all back!

Let’s begin this morning’s Literacy session by singing and moving with this alphabet song.

  • Practise singing or saying the alphabet with a family member.
  • Next, create a picture grid of a “Back to School” alphabet by either drawing a picture or writing a word for each letter of the alphabet that you might associate with returning to school
  • e.g  A – art, B – break , C – classroom etc.


  • To finish off, have a go at this fun alphabet game. You will need to be on your toes as it is very fast. Good luck!!

We will check back in with you after break time,

Miss Kyle and Mrs Topping

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