Category Archives: Whole School

Blackburn Primary and Hopefield Nursery Safe return to school session 2020.2021

Hi, I hope you have all had a great holiday and have had time to rest, relax and spend some time with your family and friends.  We are looking forward to welcoming the pupils back to the school and the nursery and need to update you with the new procedures that we have put in place for the start of the session following the closure of schools due to to the Covid -19 pandemic.  Please find attached our newsletter and I would appreciate that you take time to read and discuss the new arrangements in place with your child/children.   Miss Clarkson.  2020_08_10 Final Safe return to school word document

Some Info from the Buddies!

The buddies are so excited to meet the new pupils who are starting in August.  Three of the Buddies have very kindly presented some helpful information for the new P1 and P2 pupils.  Well done to Scott, Morgan and one other fantastic girl (sorry I cannot include your name – it is because you have included your photo in your presentation) for putting these together for us! Stay safe and have fun over the holidays!

Hi from a Buddy

Morgan a Buddy

Primary 1 – Happy Holidays

Good morning boys and girls!

This morning is the last time we will post anything on the Blog for a while so I would just like to thank you and your parents and carers for working so hard during this challenging time for us all.

You should know by now which class you will be in when we return to school in August and by then you will be in Primary 2.

I want to thank you for being such wonderful children and for making learning in Primary 1 with me so much fun!! I will miss you all!

Have a very Happy Summer Holiday and keep safe.

Best wishes,

Mrs Topping xx


P1 and A1 Virtual Sports Week Challenge 4 – 25/06/20

Hello everyone. Sorry we are late with today’s challenge!!

Here is Challenge 4:

  • Prepare some healthy snacks for the participants to enjoy after the event. Here are some examples but we are sure you have lots of ideas of your own!! 


  • The athletes will also need plenty of water to keep them hydrated – you might want to make some ice if you have some trays or bags to do so!


We hope your Sport Day is beginning to come together and we hope that we will have some dry sunny weather for tomorrow.

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce

P1 and A1 24/06/20 – Virtual Sports Week Challenge 3

Good morning everyone!

Hope your preparations for our Virtual Sports Day are going well. We are sure you came up with some interesting and fun activities yesterday to add to the list. Remember to share your ideas with us!

Today’s Challenge is:

  • Design number cards to be worn during the Sports Event. These should include your event name and be a bright and colourful as you can make them. You could even try to make them in the shape of a ball or another piece of sports equipment if you are feeling adventurous!


  • Create certificates or medals to reward the winners of each event. Here are some ideas but try to use your imagination!


Have fun!

Don’t forget to get fresh air and exercise by doing the Daily Mile Challenge when the weather is fair!


Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce

Sports Week challenge 3 and 4

Good morning everyone!

I hope you are all enjoying the sports week challenges so far!

Remember to send your videos and scores to us as well!

For today`s challenge you will need:

  • 4 things (e.g. toys, balls, socks)
  • a bucket or a basket
  • a timer

Your task is to put each thing in the corner (one at the time) and then put them back in the bucket (again one at the time). My score was 21 seconds. Can you beat that? 🙂

challenge 3

For the next challenge- egg and spoon race- you will need:

  • an egg or a small ball
  • a spoon
  • a timer

Take two toys and put them more or less 2,5 meters apart from each other.

Have many laps can you do in 20 seconds? I have done 8 laps in 20 seconds. Can you beat that? 🙂

challenge 4

Good luck!

Mrs Brodzka

Sports Week Challenge 2

Good morning Blackburn!

How did you all get on with the challenge yesterday? Remember to send your videos and times over via teams or email.

Todays challenge is performed by Miss McLuckie. You need

  1. as many pairs of socks you can find
  2. a basket or box

Miss McLuckie scores 18 socks in the basket in 30 seconds. Can you beat her?