Category Archives: Whole School

Blackburn Primary School 2020 Christmas Nativity

Please settle down with a mince pie and a warm winter drink of your choice and enjoy our Christmas Nativity.  We are disappointed that you cannot come into the school to watch the Nativity live however this is the next best thing!  The children have all worked very hard at creating the backdrops and learning the words to the songs and the narration.  A big thank you goes to all the staff for helping put this together and to the stars of the show our wonderful children.

I would also like to thank all staff in the school for working under what can only be described as a very challenging and extraordinary year.  The staff have managed to overcome many barriers and worked relentlessly to ensure that our children are safe and learning in school and in the nursery.  I am very proud of the Blackburn and Hopefield Nursery Team.

Mrs McCarney and I would like to wish you all a peaceful and Merry Christmas and all best wishes for the New Year.  Miss Clarkson


IBike survey for pupils, parents & carers

Please see below a message from IBike:

Every year we ask pupils’ parents and guardians to complete a short survey to capture their thoughts on the I Bike Programme, helping us to understand what could make active travel easier for their children.

In addition to the standard questions about I Bike activities and sessions, this year the survey is also relevant for those pupils’ parents that engaged with the I Bike online activities during the lockdown school closures from March to July 2020.

The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete and the deadline for completion is the 15th November.  Please click below:

We have really loved working with IBike this session and can’t wait to work with them again!

**Please note that we will ask pupils to complete this survey in school