Category Archives: Whole School

Snow Days!

Mrs Mainwaring went out to clear her paths to get to the shop for bread this morning.  By the time she managed to dig herself out the shops were empty.  Decided to make her own bread.  First time she’s tried it and it turned out lovely.  Her house smells amazing with the freshly baked bread!



Bookbug Launch

Our launch of the Bookbug Explorer Bag was well attended by the parents and pupils of Hopefield Nursery.  Everyone enjoyed the singing and the stories before a special visitor arrived to hand out the special Bookbug bags.


We look forward to hearing all about the stories which you received in your bag. You could even draw us a picture of the Bookbug with the pencils from your bag and bring it in for us to see.

P1/2 100 Days of School

To celebrate being in school for a total of 100 days this session, Primary 1/2 have been thinking about what they might look like when they are 100 years old. We made super collage faces and we wrote some very interesting pieces of work on what we might be, have and do when we are 100.

We also worked with a partner on some activities based on the number 100 – we tossed a coin 100 times and recorded how many heads and tails we got, we rolled a dice to record 100 tally marks and we highlighted the number of times we found the number 1oo.


Read, Write, Count Survey for Parents P2/3

Last term the children  in primary 2/3 were given a Read, Write, Count bag with books and activities inside.  They are now looking for parents to provide feedback and let them know what you think about the activity bags.  Please follow the below link to complete the survey:

The Read Write Count website has fantastic ideas and resources for you and your child to enjoy together.  I would definately recommend having a look on here: