All posts by Miss McLuckie

A1 & P1 Obstacle Course

Good afternoon everyone. It’s the last Monday of home learning before the holidays and the theme for the week is Health & Wellbeing. For our STEM activity I thought we could have a go at making our own obstacle courses from whatever we can find in and around our homes. The weather here is not very nice today so I will need to have an indoor obstacle course, but I’m sure it will be fun no matter where we set it up!

Here are some ideas of Obstacle Courses that have been set up by others, but you can have any activities you like :

  1. jumping from cushion to cushion
  2. walking along a tightrope made from string/wool
  3. crawling through a tunnel, or under a row of chairs, or through a hula hoop
  4. climbing over hurdles made from pillows
  5. balancing a book on your head while walking from one point to another.

The list is endless and I can’t wait to see how creative you can all be! Have fun and remember to post your pictures on Twitter or email them over.

Miss McLuckie

A1/P1 15/06/20

Hello everyone! I hope we are all and had a lovely weekend. For our activity this afternoon, I would like us to have a  go at making our very own garden wind chimes.

These can be made from lots of different things we can find in and around our homes – things like twigs/sticks, wool/string, old CD discs, tin cans … the list is endless! Below are some examples along with the link to explain the process of making them.

Pine Cone Wind Chime –

Star Wind Chime –

Rainbow Sticks Wind Chime –

There are some more lovely ideas here –

I think I’ll have a go at the Rainbow Stick Wind Chime today!

Miss McLuckie

P2/3 Challenge 02/06/20

Good morning P2/3. I hope you are all keeping safe and well and enjoyed yesterday’s challenge. Today I am going to set you another challenge that is linked to yesterday’s one.

Yesterday you had to find lots of different bugs and then do some research and find facts about them. I hope you managed to find out about where they live as today’s challenge is for you to create a place where these bugs could live. You will need to think about where you make the home (in sunlight/shade), what you will need to make it (a box/tub, food for the bugs, decorations you want to add), what size are you going to make the home, and what bugs do you actually want to visit?

Have lots of fun with this and don’t forget to send over your pictures to Miss Hamill or myself, or post them on Twitter.

Miss McLuckie

A1 STEM 01/06/20

Hello A1, I hope you are all well. So last week we made our Bug Hotels – have you had any little visitors? We’ve had a few ants in ours but not much else!

For this afternoon’s task I would like you to try going on a “Minibeast Safari”. Have a think about where different minibeast’s live – under leaves, in the soil, in the grass – and see if you can spot any either in your own garden or when out for your daily mile. You could tick them off the Minibeast Checklist.

If you have a little tub or jar you could even try to catch some of them to bring them to your bug hotel – but remember we must be very gentle with the little creatures!

Miss McLuckie


P2/3 RME 29/05/20

It’s Friday and the sun is shining! Let’s finish off our week with some RME. I thought that we could look at some of the important Symbols of Buddhism today. For your task I would  like you to draw the symbols with a little description of what each symbol means and why it is important to Buddhists.

Have a lovely weekend everyone, stay safe and enjoy the sunshine.

Miss McLuckie