All posts by wlkaty.anderson@glow

Buddy Challenge!

Calling all Future Primary Six and Seven Children

Buddy Challenge

At present school is not what it used to be and we are all coping in different ways with the consequences of the Covid 19 pandemic.  However although schools are closed we are carrying on with our work and thinking creatively on how to deliver some of the things we would normally do in school remotely.

One of the aspects of school that I need to consider while we are in lockdown is how to make sure that our new Primary Pupils starting school in August will feel safe, secure and excited about coming to school.

The staff team still want to have a buddy programme but acknowledge that it will be different from the programmes we have had in the past because of social distancing measures.

This is where I need your help and I am hoping that you will all be up for the challenge! 

Next session we will have approximately 14 Primary One Pupils and I would like you to prepare something for the pupils to either put in their Induction Packs or add to our Primary One Induction Sway Presentation.

I am looking for you to share your journey of your time at Blackburn Primary School.  I would like you to think about enjoyable experiences you have had in school and how you might be able to support your buddy remotely when our school opens in August.  This could be in the form of a presentation, leaflet, poster, video, drawing; mind map the list is endless!

I would like you to include information on:

How you might support your buddy whilst complying with social distancing measures

Activities you could do remotely with your buddy

What you have learned about the Blackburn School Family values

Anything else you think your buddy would want to find out

We have asked the new pupils joining our school to think about some questions they have about starting P1 which we hope you will be able to answer for them.  Watch this space!

I look forward to getting your creative ideas


Miss Clarkson Head Teacher

Blackburn Primary School

Hopefield Nursery Class




Blackburn Primary, our school family, growing, learning and succeeding

Environment Challenge!



The surroundings and conditions in which you live. That means your house, your garden, your street, your town, your area, your country and your world. It can also mean how you feel when you are in any of these places.

Behaviour is normally described as altruistic when it is motivated by a desire to benefit someone other than oneself for that person’s sake.

Over the course of lockdown we have witnessed many examples of altruistic behaviours that have been done to the environment so that others feel good. Everyone has rainbows in their windows, people have put stuffed toys, we have clapped for the NHS. All of these are doing good for the sake of doing good and it makes you feel good.

WE WANT YOU TO FEEL GOOD and for you to try and make others FEEL GOOD. We would like you to think of something that you could do that may help make your environment better.

Check out this SWAY presentation for more inspiration to get you started!

Go to this Sway

Weekly Challenge – All About YOU


We want to learn even more about YOU and we hope that along the way you might learn new things about yourself too!  The challenges centre around 3 themes:


Click into the virtual classroom links below each image.  In the virtual classroom you can click on different parts and you will be transported to different resources!

Past – Virtual Classroom

All About Me Book

Present – Virtual Classroom

Jojo Siwa – All about me youtube video

What Makes YOU Incredible Interview

All About Me Craft

Minecraft Museum of Me
Future – Virtual Classroom 

Beano website

Kids draw their future jobs

Remember to share your work with your teachers or via Twitter!  We can’t wait to see what you do!

Lockdown Learning Journeys

Recently P5/6/7 were asked to share their Learning Journeys.  They were able to share their journeys any way they liked.  Here are some of the examples that we have received.

The first pupil chose to display what she learned in school, what she has now learned at home and what she would like to learn next!

Our next pupil decided to make a PowerPoint presentation showcasing what she has learned during Lockdown.

Learning journey

Our final example is a story from our of our P5 pupils.  It is jam packed with emotion; sadness, excitement and humour.  This story has it all and certainly captures their experience.

We would love to receive more learning journeys from our pupils.  One of this week’s INspire Challenges is asking you to do something very similar!  Watch this video for an insight and more details will be posted tomorrow!

This Week’s Assembly

Well done to all of our families that are continuing to embrace the current circumstances!   We are seeing fantastic work from so many of our pupils and we are amazed at the community spirit we are seeing in Blackburn.  We hope you are all staying safe and well.  Enjoy the nice weather this weekend everyone and we will check in again on Monday! Love from all the staff at Blackburn!

2020_05_28 Assembly remote learning

New Scavenger Hunt Now Available!!

Inspired by our latest scavenger hunt, one of our P5 pupils has created their own!

He has been out and painted Rocks which he has then hidden in different locations around Blackburn!

This pupil felt the original scavenger hunt was pretty tricky and wanted to make this one easier by giving people clues!

What fantastic leadership skills and great initiative we are seeing from our pupils!